Horse racing and hats!

July 16, 2009

starting gate

Del Mar Thoroughbred Club kicks off its 2009 horse racing season in high style next Wednesday, July 22nd in Del Mar, California! I LOVE Opening Day at Del Mar. It’s so exciting. I know some people go online to bet on the races themselves (as can be seen in this article where Love Belfast discuss the boom of Night Life in Japan, and how many are using the internet to place bets on many things), but I love being there on that first day truth be told.

And, as always, on Opening Day, you don’t want to miss the “One and Only Truly Fabulous Hats Contest”. It’s as much fun to watch as it is to enter. But if you REALLY want this, you can enter your hat in one of these four categories:

  • Best Racing Theme
  • Funniest/Most Outrageous
  • Most Glamorous
  • Best Fresh Flowers/Others

All entrants will receive two free passes to the races and the top three contestants in each category win cash prizes! You can sign up between 11:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in the Plaza de Mexico, located just inside the Stretch Run admission gates.

We’ve made it a tradition to attend on Opening Day and I do wear a hat but have never had one quite fabulous enough to enter into the contest. Believe me when I say they go all out!

I love this pink one from last year’s contest.

Flickr Photo by kjdrill

Flickr Photo by kjdrill

And, this one with the horse on top had to be heavy.

Yes, that is a HAT! (Flickr photo by kjdrill)

(Flickr photo by kjdrill)

Opening Day at Del Mar always proves to be a great day full of fun, food, glitz, and glamour. If you happen to live within driving distance and plan on making a day of it, make sure you get an early start on the I-5 to beat traffic!

I hope to see you there!!


So much shorter than we know…

June 23, 2009

The world lost a sweet young woman on Friday.  I don’t really know what to say, other than the fact that I’m so shell-shocked and stunned that I can’t think about anything else.

Since I haven’t asked her family’s permission to talk about this, I’ll call this precious young woman “Joy” because that’s what she was.  Joy wasn’t just a kind, caring, Christian woman.  She was truly leveraging her life for God.  She had an impactful ministry with a few other incredible women, and she had just released her first book.  Joy was speaking to and reaching and touching tens of thousands of people at a time with her story.  In the face of devastating personal loss, she had not crumbled and allowed it to destroy her life, but had clung to her faith and allowed God to use that loss for good.  Joy was making a difference.  In so many ways.  Even though she was so young.

I met Joy through my church at a women’s bible study.  She was one of those people who win you over immediately.  She had a huge smile that seemed to come from her heart, and not just from her teeth; you know what I mean?  She had a warmth about her that drew people to her.  She drew other women to her, and you know how big of a deal that is.

After that bible study ended, I didn’t see Joy again until a few months ago when I saw her in a short segment on the weekend news.  I recognized her right away, since there aren’t too many people around with that smile and that kind of enthusiasm.

I didn’t see Joy or hear of her again until I was flipping through the Sunday paper last weekend, and saw her obituary.  I must have read it a dozen times.  What happened?  How could this be?

I’m just so confused about this.  Like I was last year when one of the worship leaders at my church died suddenly; also a very young woman.  I know that I do not have the capacity to understand God’s ways.  I know that.  But still I try to make sense of things in my own head when heartbreaking losses occur.

What I don’t comprehend is why God would allow someone to get a horrible painful illness when they are living their lives for Him, and are reaching so many other people for Him.  But yet, He lets evil people go on their merry way, la dee dah.   He lets me go on my merry way, for cryin out loud, with all of my sins and shortcomings.  I’m still dealing with some of the same old crap and sin that I’ve been dealing with my whole life.  Why not take me and leave Joy to do His work?  She was doing it, and doing it marvelously.  With passion and spirit.  But she was sidetracked with this illness out of the blue in March, and now she’s gone.  And it’s only June.

I know that Joy is with God now and she isn’t asking questions.  I’m the one with questions.  I’m the one who is so sad for all of Joy’s family and friends, and all of the people who won’t get to hear her speak again.  All of the young women who won’t benefit from her encouragement and her example.

I’m not mad at God, and I honestly don’t question God.  I trust Him and I know that His ways are perfect.  And He knows I don’t mean to be disrespectful; sometimes I’d just like to understand a tiny little bit.  Maybe I’ll ask Him about this when I see Him, or maybe I won’t even think about it because I’ll be too busy worshipping.  Like Joy is right now.


Come to BlogWorld Expo with us!

June 20, 2009

Be there or be square!

Be there or be square!

Hey, all you cyber-sisters and brothers!  Are you going to the BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas in October?  BigSis and LilSis will be there with bells on, and we would LOVE to meet you there!

Here’s the scoopage that you need to know right now:

  • The Blogging Conference is October 16-17.  The New Media Pre-Conference is the 15th, if that’s your thing.
  • The early bird discount for registration expires on July 1st so you have just a few days to get your act together.  The early bird rate for the 2 days is $300.  It will go up to $395 on July 1st, and then $495 on September 14th, so it’s definitely worth it to get your plans made now.
  • Hotel information is out too, so check out the 3 hotels with special rates.
  • The 2009 schedule is still being finalized, but peruse the 2008 Conference Schedule if you’d like to get an inkling of what could be in store for us this year.

We’ll talk more about this as the weeks go on, but we are really really excited about this!  If you’re planning to be there, please let us know!  How fun would it be to get to meet up with folks we’ve only talked to through our blogs?!


What the “L”?

June 19, 2009

What the “L” is LilSis up to?

  • Longingly thinking of D and wishing he was here with us for Father’s Day.
  • Leaving for Chicago tomorrow.
  • Looking forward to seeing the kids and grandkids.
  • Laboring over month-end accounting so I’m not too behind when we return.
  • Laundering all the guys’ clothes for the trip.
  • Lunching with my friend, V.
  • Loving that I just got the okay from the Dr. to take the boot off my foot!

Alert the media!

June 3, 2009

Alert the media! Oh, wait, no need to do that, they’re already in a crazy frenzy, because, guess what? I know you’re on pins and needles right now…drum-roll, please…(okay, now it’s just going to be anti-climatic!)

It hailed in Cal-ee-forn-ee-ah today!

Oh my!

Yep, and it rained, too!

Oh my!

And, a palm tree got hit by lightning and caught on fire!

Oh my!

Okay, most of you are going to think this is really lame! I’ll take it! It is lame! We just think that it’s hilarious.  Coming from Texas where hail can be bigger than a baseball to California where they actually consider a sprinkle a thunderstorm, it just makes us laugh. And, if it makes us laugh, it’s all good! 🙂

When HayHay was in elementary school, they actually had early release days when it sprinkled. (I’m not lying!) This is how it went down on ‘early release days’.

  • The moms had to drive up in line in front of the school where principal had a walkie talkie.
  • Principal approached the car to ask the name of your child.
  • She would convey to the office, via walkie talkie,  the childs’ name letting them know that their parent had arrived.
  • The office would call the childs’ name over the loud speaker so the teacher could release them!
  • One at a time!
  • HayHay gets in car and we both laugh hysterically!


So, if it makes us laugh, we just have to roll with it.

If you think that’s lame, then you will really think this is lame! TomTom has never seen rain. (I can count on two hands the number of times that it’s rained here in the seven years that we’ve lived here.)

Today, during the five minute shower, TomTom was running all over the house, jumping from window to window, trying to figure out what was going on. I wish I could have caught a picture of him all ‘puffed up’ with the ridge down his back. I did put him outside so he could check it out close-up and this is all I got.


What the Hell? I can't get my little paws wet!

Believe it or not, it was actually raining when I took this! You can’t even tell that the patio is wet. (Oh, and the sun was out at the same time it was raining.)

So, this was the best part of the day… Right after this photo, I ran to the store for some much needed food in the house. When I came out, for some reason, I looked up and there was a gorgeous circular rainbow around the sun.

I went straight home and grabbed my camera and, of course, it was gone. I took a photo for the hell of it and this is what I got. If you look really close, you can see the faint last little bit of the rainbow.


This is what it looked like when I first saw it.

Flickr photo by natureluv

Flickr photo by natureluv

Such a nice treat after such a ferocious storm!


“The Shack”

June 1, 2009

I would like to thank my long time, great friend, E, again for giving me this wonderful book for my birthday. I probably would not have read it otherwise!

(BigSis and I read this book at the same time and finished about the same time, but we decided to write about our individual opinions separately without discussing it or reading the others post. So, hopefully this isn’t too redundant.)

"The Shack" by William Paul Young

"The Shack" by William Paul Young

I really loved this book!  I’ve already ordered several copies to give to friends and family. It’s one of those books that you really want to share. I can’t pass on my copy yet, though, because I’ve already started it again. This time, I’ll force myself to read slower. I’ve heard some people say that they get even more out of it the second time around.

When sharing this book with others, the author specifically requests that you not discuss the plot. E didn’t tell me anything about the book. She just told me how much she loved it. She’s also rereading it and is participating in a Study Group.

It would change your experience of reading this book if someone blabbed anything about the plot or the ending.  If interested, you can read more about the author on and even get a sneak peak at Chapter One if you’d like.  I don’t think that there is anything on the site that takes you further into the story, but you wouldn’t want to go the Forums, as they would definitely be discussing the plot.

In my opinion, this is a “must read” for anyone who has been trying to deal with grief, guilt, pain, or issues with forgiveness.  And, even if you’re not dealing with any of those issues, this is a great read and it just might make you see things in a different light.


Read “The Shack”

May 31, 2009


I’m so glad that LilSis mentioned that she was reading “The Shack” in her last “What the L”.  Where have I been?  I hadn’t heard one peep about this book, but now I know that everybody is reading it.  Some churches are reading it as a congregation and are doing studies along with it, much like they did when “The Purpose Driven Life” came out.

Back to “The Shack” though.  After LilSis mentioned it, I saw it at Sam’s Club that night and read the comments on the back cover.  They sold me on the book:

  • Wynnona Judd said “Reading The Shack during a very difficult transition in my life, this story has blown the door wide open to my soul.”
  • Michael W. Smith said “The Shack is the most absorbing work of fiction I’ve read in many years.  My wife and I laughed, cried, and repented of our own lack of faith along the way.  The Shack will leave you craving for the presence of God.”
  • Mike Morrell said “This story reads like a prayer – like the best kind of prayer, filled with sweat and wonder and transparency and surprise. If you read one work of fiction this year, let this be it.”

There isn’t much else I can add to that; those endorsements are not overstatements.  The comments got the book into my hands, but from then on the book worked its way into my head and my heart.

I won’t give away one smidgen of this story.  I was fortunate to know nothing about this book when I read it, and I want you to have that same advantage.  If you know what to expect or what’s coming next, your experience will be lessened, and this is truly a glorious experience that you should have without expectation.

All I want to say is READ THIS BOOK.  Read it slowly, read it thoughtfully, and then read it again.  What’s it about?  It’s about rage and unforgiveness and grief, and getting unstuck from those dark places that consume your life.  It’s about forgiveness and love.  It’s about joy, and food, and special fondness.  Just read it.  If you don’t feel forever changed, let me know.  I’ll eat a bug.  A big juicy crunchy bug.

Oh, and one note in case you wondered.  LilSis and I are NOT being paid to review this book – or any other item on this blog for that matter – but I want to make it absolutely clear because this book is so important.  Please read it.


So You Think You Can Dance!

May 21, 2009

LilSis is right; neither us watch too much TV.  The few things I do watch are things I really love.  Lost, for example!   And So You Think You Can Dance!  The season starts tonight on Fox!  This show is so awesome.  They audition dancers of all genres, much like American Idol does with singers.  You see incredible dancers of all types compete against each other:  hip hop, lyrical, crumping, ballroom, contemporary, broadway, you name it.  Throw in some of the most fabulous choreographers in the business and the result is unbelievable dancing that you just have to see.  Imagine a break dancer and a Latin dancer competing in a modern dance or country two-step round, for example.  It’s amazing, inspiring and dramatic.

I came to the SYTYCD party late, but now I’m a fervent viewer.  Need a reason to check out the new season?  How about two?  These are some of my favorite performances from last year.

Twitch and Katee – performing what may be my favorite dance of the year!

Chelsea and Mark (recognize her from this season’s Dancing With the Stars?  Guess where she got her big break!)


Season 8 American Idol: Adam or Kris?

May 20, 2009

Neither BigSis or I are big television watchers, but there are usually a couple of shows each season that we both really enjoy watching. (You know, she likes Lost, right?) I never did get into Lost, but BigSis did right from the beginning.

I also liked DWTS and watched it pretty religiously this season. By now, we all know that Shawn Johnson won the big mirror ball trophy last night. I was actually a little surprised. Even though I liked Melissa and was hoping she would win for coming so far since that embarrassing Bachelor debacle, I actually thought Gilles was going to win. (He’s just a teensy bit handsome, huh?)

Last year I got sucked into The Bachelor based on all the hype ABC did leading up to that season!  (I have to admit that I did watch one hour of the Bachelorette premier with Jillian Monday night.) But I’m not doing it again!  Nope! Never! I’m not getting sucked into all that drama again. I’ve got enough things going on in my life so I really don’t need to waste an hour every week watching that nonsense. She’s got 30 men to choose from this season, so I’m sure she’ll find her Prince Charming! Yeah, right…

So, that leads us to American Idol. I think American Idol is the only show that I can say I’ve watched every season. Last year, I loved David Cook and am still listening to his music. There were a few seasons when I didn’t watch every week, but I think this year has been one of the best seasons and I don’t think I’ve missed a show. It’s just nice to watch something that the entire family enjoys watching together. (And those are few and far between.)


Once this season was down to the Final Four, I wasn’t sure who would end up in the Top Two, but I wasn’t expecting Kris to be one of them.  I really liked Danny and Allison and I think that they’ll still both go on to have successful music careers, if that’s what they choose to pursue.

After last night’s amazing performances from both Adam and Kris, I honestly don’t know what to expect tonight. Some people think that Adam is a “shoe-in” but after seeing Kris last night, I’m not so sure. So, who’s it going to be?




Kris Allen

Even though I watched religiously, I didn’t vote once, so I can’t say anything about who wins. So, who do you think is going to be the next American Idol?


What the “L”?!

May 16, 2009

What the “L” is LilSis up to?


  • Loving the beautiful lillies that BigSis sent me. (BigSis, I wanted you to see how gorgeous these ended up being when they opened.) The white ones were as big as the special Japanese Lillies that I always get from Trader Joe’s. They’re my absolute favorite!!

  • Lugging around the lovely boot on my right foot. But, I promise I’m not going to whine about that any more.

  • Lounging by the pool at a small resort in the desert. SirHoney and  HayHay are in a Father/Son golf tournament, so I tagged along. I couldn’t pass up the chance to sit by a pool in hot, sunny, 90 plus degree weather.

  • Looking forward to reading more of my book that I just started. My friend, E, gave me “The Shack” for my birthday. I’m only five chapters in, but it’s definitely peaked my interest.

  • Laughing with my friend, V, who also tagged along with her son.

  • Listening to some great new tunes on my iPod.
  • Leisurely sipping on my favorite, Heineken Light, from the cutest little ding, dang miniature keg. (BigSis, I couldn’t resist. It fits perfect in the cooler!)

  • Loving that we can finally have an overnight trip, BUT still

  • Longing for our SarahGirl.

After a full blown meltdown last week, I’m taking the weekend off to try to preserve my sanity. I hope everyone has a great weekend! I plan on it!
