March 16, 2009
We hope you all had a good weekend! One of the things that LilSis and I talked about over the weekend was a list of ideas for potential revisions to BigSisLilSis. We’ve been posting for almost 6 months already and have close to 200 posts published now, so it seems like a good time to evaluate where we’ve been and where we want to go.
What would be really helpful for us is to know what our readers are thinking. We can see from our stats that we do have some readers (hallelujah), and that the number is increasing every month. We’re very excited about that, and want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who is reading what we’re writing!
When we started BigSisLilSis at the end of September, we had NO CLUE about what we were doing, and we’ve learned a lot. We’ve also had a ton of fun, but we realize it isn’t all about us. Everything that we do on BigSisLilSis is for our readers.
While we can see that we have some readers, we would love it if you could send us some feedback. Here’s what you could do to help us determine if we’re on the right track:
- Leave a comment on a post
- Send us an email
- Subscribe to our feed via RSS or email
We want our content to be interesting and relevant, and we want to post on things that you want to read about and know about. That’s where your input comes in. Your comments, emails and subscriptions are the only way we have of knowing what you want.
So, if you have a few seconds to educate us, encourage us, reprimand us, or redirect us, we would greatly appreciate it! What are we doing that you’d like to see more of? What do we talk TOO much about that you don’t enjoy? What could we do overall to make BigSisLilSis a better experience that is worth your time to read? More recipes? More cats in hats? More product reviews? More personal experiences? More Sawyer photos? I vote yes to that last one. 😀
Seriously, we thank you all so much for reading us, and for the input we’ve gotten. It has been amazing to be part of this incredibly supportive blogging community! Please stay with us, and help us make BigSisLilSis better! We’d love to hear from you! Have a good week, and don’t drink too much green beer!

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