Best-Ever Almond Toffee

The weekend before we left for Chicago, I decided that I was going to make Almond Toffee to give to our friends and neighbors for Christmas. It probably wasn't the best timing to try a new recipe as we were still finishing up Christmas shopping, wrapping, and packing in preparation for our trip to Chicago the following day.

On top of all that, we ended up spending most of the weekend in Mission Bay at HayHay's surf competition since he made it all the way to the finals. But, somehow, in the midst of all that, I did manage to make two batches of toffee.

I'd like to give a “shout out” and a “huge thanks” to Anna of Cookie Madness for taking the time to reply to me via email regarding a couple of questions I had about the instructions.
I really appreciate it, Anna!

This recipe is one that Anna has made for many years and since the directions are a little long, I think it's best for you to go to Cookie Madness for the Best-Ever Almond Toffee recipe. You'll also want to read her Almond Toffee Revisited post which has more tips on making this toffee turn out “just right”.

Pecan Toffee

For my first try at this recipe, I just made the small batch so I could get a feel for it. I substituted pecans for the almonds, since I had some on hand, but I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Other than that, this batch was just a teensy bit thicker than I would have liked, which may have been because the temperature got up to almost 295 before I poured it out of the pan. It was still crispy and crunchy, just not perfect.

BigSis has made this toffee almost every Christmas for as long as I can remember. And, guess what? Hers is always perfect. Mine turned out pretty darn good for being my first time to make it, but it wasn't perfect. That's okay though, I still gave myself a little pat on the back for trying something new and not having a meltdown over a slightly thick batch of toffee.

Best-Ever Almond Toffee

For my second batch, I went ahead and doubled the recipe since I was feeling a little better about the process. This time I did use almonds, but since I discovered that I don't like chopping chocolate, I used semi-sweet chips instead. (I shouldn't have done that!) When I asked for a couple of expert opinions from the chocolate lovers in my house, they both noticed that the chocolate in the first batch was better.

This batch also turned out a little too thick, as you can tell in the photo, but it was still good. I don't think anyone else really noticed, but this batch got a little chewy after the initial crunch. It wasn't as crispy and crunchy as it should have been, but I think I know why. I panicked just a little after I poured it into the pan and I think I gave the pan one too many teeny, tiny taps, which Anna specifically advised me not to do. I knew right away that some of the air bubbles were popping and apparently that's what keeps this toffee so crunchy.

When in Chicago, my mother-in-law happened to pull out some toffee that her brother-in-law had sent to her from Florida. Even though I usually bypass the sweets, I was curious to try it because of my recent attempts at toffee making. This toffee was even thicker than my second batch but somehow was still really crunchy and crispy. It's supposedly made at some special store and our uncle loves it, so if I ever end up with a perfect batch of toffee, I'm going to send some to him and my mother-in-law. I'm sure they'd both be surprised!

All in all, in the end, I did learn a few things about making toffee.

First of all, toffee making is not for wimps. I never knew how long it took to get candy up to 290 degrees and with constant stirring, it's a bit of a workout. Secondly, I would invest in a new thermometer before attempting this again.

This is the thermometer that I used, which is the “attach-to-the-pan” type that Anna advises not to use. It's all I had and I didn't have time to go get a new one, so the fact that both batches turned out thick probably means that my thermometer was a bit off.

Lastly, just stick exactly to Anna's Best-Ever Almond Toffee recipe! Don't make substitutions, use a good thermometer, and follow the instructions to a tee and I bet you end up with a perfect batch of toffee! 🙂


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on December 30, 2009

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Fabulous Friday: Swimsuits

It's another Fabulous Friday and today we're talking swimsuits!

I've been putting off buying myself a new swimsuit for at least two years now, maybe three. I have friends who are lucky enough to be able to order suits online without even trying them on first, but not me! For me, heading out on a swimsuit shopping trip will most often bring on quite a bit of anxiety! Silly, but true! 🙂

On New Years Day, I set a goal to lose ten pounds in ten weeks. If you've been reading, you'll remember when I started talking about joining the Ten in 2010 Challenge. When I set my goal, I also decided that I would reward myself with a new swimsuit when I hit my goal weight.

I did reach my goal by March 15th, but I still hadn't been in the mood to do the “dreaded” swimsuit shopping until last week. Right before our overnight trip to the desert, I squeezed in an hour to run into Macy's to look for a suit. Luckily, I was able to find one on my first trip. Granted, I tried on 25 – 30 suits before I found one, but this is the fabulous suit that I came home with.

2 Bamboo Braided Halter Swimsuit

2 Bamboo Braided Halter Swimsuit

I had never even seen this 2 Bamboo brand before, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a necessity that I have an underwire top and I also have to be able to purchase the top and the bottom separately. You can't tell by the photo, but the most fabulous thing about this suit is that the top ties in the back and around the neck. It makes a huge difference for me instead of just having a hook that you can't adjust.

And BigSis has been working her fanny off doing radical ‘two a day' workouts, which includes a nightly P90X workout after a lunch time cardio workout at the gym. I think she deserves a treat for all her hard work! This is the fabulous swimsuit by Kenneth Cole that she's eyeballing!

Kenneth Cole REACTION Swimsuit

Kenneth Cole REACTION Swimsuit

This fabulous suit has a banded halter top and a ruched skirted bottom. Funny how we're both attracted to the solid blues this year. I usually prefer a patterned or floral swimsuit. Luckily, when I got home from my shopping trip, I found a floral wrap that I've had for years and it matched the blue in my new suit perfectly! 🙂

We're both coming to terms with the fact that our bodies won't ever look like we're 25 years old again, but a 40 plus woman can still wear a cute suit, right? 🙂


Posted under Shopping

This post was written by LilSis on May 14, 2010


OPI Ogre-The-Top Blue

I love those pale pink colors that BigSis just shared with us from the new OPI Pink Collection. I have a hard time keeping polish on my fingernails, so if I wear anything at all, it's always a clear or a very pale pink polish.

I may go bare or ultra sheer on my fingernails, but not on my toes!  I get bored really quickly with the same colors on my toes so I'm always trying something new; from blues, greens, yellows, bright oranges to very dark purples.

I also couldn't find the Essie Resort Collection at my local Ulta and I was in a funk on Friday and really wanted something to cheer me up.  I popped into my neighborhood nail salon and asked her what she had that was new and blue.

OPI Ogre-The-Top Blue

I absolutely fell in love with the OPI Ogre-The-Top Blue shade from the minute I saw it and I knew that I wanted to try it.

I was even happier when I got home to discover that it matches my new swimsuit perfectly!

Funny… I couldn't have even done that if I had tried. 🙂

I really liked the color with the pink strappy sandals that I wore to my Girl's Night Out on Friday night.

But I love the color even more worn with my white Franco Sarto bejeweled sandals.

Is it just me or doesn't a good pedicure just cheer you up a little bit?


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on June 8, 2010


September 11: what will we do?

September 11 Twin Towers

It is inconceivable that ten years have passed since September 11, 2001.  9/11 is one of those landmark days etched into our souls; we remember where we were and how it felt when we heard the news that our country was under attack.

We can't forget the days and weeks and months after that as the rescue efforts turned into long-term recovery of remains.  We heard eyewitness accounts, saw video, and learned the names and faces of people who perished that day.  We grieved for their families, for New Yorkers and for the death of our naive notion that no one would dare to attack us on our home soil.

We will never be the same.  And we shouldn't be.

Evil reared its ugly head that day in New York, and at the Pentagon and in a Pennsylvania field.  Over 3000 people lost their lives and many thousands of other people were devastated by the loss of their loved ones.

In spite of the destruction and unbearable grief, evil did not win that day.  Ten years later, stories are still surfacing about people pulling together that day, working together, caring for each other, getting each other through unbelievable circumstances.

Today, the  “New York Says Thank You” Foundation chooses an important charity project every year.  New York firefighters and other volunteers devote themselves to pay back the help they've been given, and to try to heal a little bit.

Groups like Action America have arisen to turn the events of September 11th into positive action.  They ask “what will you do?” What will we do? How can we help our fellow man today?  How can we use our lives for good, and not just for selfish enjoyment? If we all did just one unselfish thing for someone else today, just imagine the impact it would have on our world.

The legacy of September 11th should not just be fear and sorrow, although we are absolutely entitled to those emotions after what has happened to us.  The lasting legacy can be that we care about each other a little bit more than we did before, and that we do something about it.

We can be upset and sad as we reflect on 9/11, but if we're only upset and sad, then Evil has won.  We have to do something.  What will we do?

The pain inflicted by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 does not have to be suffered in vain.

May God bless our country, and continue to use for good what our Enemy meant for evil on this day ten years ago.


Photo credit: sizeofguam flickr stream



Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on September 11, 2011


12 Foods You Should Always Buy Organic

Apple flickr photo from Ahmed

Apple flickr photo from Ahmed

The other day I found a stack of little bitty note-size flyers at the checkout of my hippie health food store (actually it's Natural Grocers/Vitamin Cottage).  It was a summary of  the Dirty Dozen, which are fruits and veggies that you should always buy organic, and the Clean 15, which test lowest for pesticide residues. I was a bit surprised at some of these items.  See what you think:

Dirty Dozen
(worst first)

Bell Peppers
Grapes (imported)

Clean 15
(best first)

Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas
Sweet Potatoes

What surprised me? That broccoli, peas, cabbage, tomatoes, corn and asparagus were relatively clean. I always thought that the safest things to buy conventional had thick skins, like bananas, pineapple or avocados.  I'm a bit surprised too that apples are so contaminated.  It's good to know, so thanks to the hippie health food store for the itty bitty flyers!

These lists were put together by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group, and are part of their Shoppers Guide to Pesticides.  You can download the entire guide in PDF and print it out, or you can download the i-phone app to refer to when you're out shopping.  I think the app would be super-handy since I'd never have the guide with me at the store.  I don't even remember my coupons most of the time.  If they could only come up with an app for coupons!


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on November 3, 2009


Get a Jump on Summer Vacation Plans

Did we have spring break when we were kids? Waaayyy back when we were kids? I don't remember ever having a spring break; only 2 weeks at Christmas and a full 3 months of summer. Maybe we did have spring break, and I just forgot. Perhaps my memory lapse has something to do with all those brain cells I murdered unceremoniously in the 80s. Surely not.

At any rate, it seems like spring break season is in full swing in school districts around the country, and spring makes me think of summer which makes me think of vacation. I've heard on the news for a while that more people are doing the “staycation” thing, where they stay close to home and enjoy local attractions to save money in this treacherous economy. The same can't be said for expectant moms who are heading to Babymoon Destinations for one last adult only holiday.

But if you're going to take a real vacation, let me share this cool site I just heard about from my friend SA. It's, which stands for Vacation Rentals by Owner. Instead of paying exhorbitant hotel rates, this site allows you to search all over the world for condos, homes, apartments, villas, etc., that are offered for rent by the owners. I'm not planning a vacation, but I had a ton of fun browsing all of the homes available for rent. It was amazing to see how many there were, but it was even more fun to see all of the gorgeous homes for sale in the Caribbean. I couldn't stop myself from imagining being in a beautiful house in Playa Hermosa in Costa Rica, just enjoying myself, but that's just a dream for now. However, it doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to a little traveling. Someday (soon!) LilSis and I will take our dream trip to Greece and Italy, and this will be a great resource! Here are a few of the homes I found for rent:

  • A luxury vacation log home in Wasilla, Alaska. Yep, the same Wasilla where Sarah Palin served as Mayor before she went on to become the Governor of the state. For $1300-$1800 per week, you get 3 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, a cook's kitchen, wi-fi and cable in a woodsy setting.
  • A condo on a private island on Lake Travis in the Hill Country of Texas. $109-$159 per night gets you 1 bedroom, 1 bath, a 42″ flat screen TV, views of the lake and marina, and access to tennis courts, fitness facilities, and hot tubs.
  • A chalet on the peak of Mt. Kanimbla in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia. Talk about an escape! For $365 Australian dollars per night (about $234 US), you get a one bath studio with a private hot tub, fireplace, and a kitchen stocked with food staples! And you're surrounded by the native wildlife including kangaroos, wallabies and eagles. Trust us, it is the most breath-taking scenery, sounds, smells. You won't regret it. Australia is a perfect place for road trips too, so if you're feeling adventurous, you could look up hiring a van to drive around in. Maybe you could go up to Brisbane. There are some great van rentals there too. Click here for more information.

    Australia Chalet

    Australia Chalet

  • A villa in the village of Kefalas on the Greek island of Crete. Check out the 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, private pool and equipped kitchen, all for 60 to 200 Euros per night (about $76 to $253 US).
  • A penthouse apartment with a view of the Coliseum in Rome, Italy. This penthouse has 2 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2 levels, with a year-round terrace on the upper level. It'll run you 180 Euros per night ($228 US).

    View from Rome Penthouse

    View from Rome Penthouse

  • A villa in Tramonte in the Lucca area of Tuscany, Italy. How about a 1600s antique villa with 4 floors, 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, a private pool, and an onsite caretaker? The property features an antique olive oil mill, fruit trees, olives, vines, forests, and horses. The rates start at 2380 Euros per week and go to 4760 Euros per week, depending on the season (about $3013 US to $6025 US per week).
    Tuscan Villa

    Tuscan Villa

    I'm ready to pack a suitcase, how about you? Once you get your rental reservations made, don't forget to check out the airfare deals available now! You can even use this private jet charter cost estimator if you want a bit of luxury!


Posted under Travel

This post was written by BigSis on March 8, 2009


SPCA Urgently Needs Our Help!

I hope you're all having a good week.  I'm having a great week myself, but I have a nagging feeling that I can't seem to shake, and it's about the 27,000 exotic animals that the SPCA is taking care of.  Last week, I told you about the largest animal rescue in US history that took place in Arlington about six weeks ago.  Since then, the SPCA of Texas has been caring for 27,000 exotic animals who were neglected and abused.

I got an urgent email from the SPCA this week, which said that the “people” (I use that word loosely) who owned the company have appealed the judge's decision to confiscate the animals from them and award custody to the City of Arlington.  Until that appeal is settled, the SPCA will continue to care for the animals, at a cost of $8,000-$10,000 per day.  They are in desperate need of $150,000 ASAP!

If this situation touches your heart as it does mine, will you please consider making a donation to the SPCA?  If I could do another bake sale tomorrow that would put a dent in this need, I would do it.  But their need is much bigger than that.  They need us all to come together for them, and contribute what we can.  Thanks for considering helping these poor little critters!

BigSis added this note January 28 at 1:30 pm: I just found this great video on, which shows some of the animals and gives you an idea of the lengths the SPCA is going to for these guys.  Here's the link:

It's short, so please check it out.  I'm in love with the Ring-Tailed Lemurs and the teensy turtles.


Posted under Animals

This post was written by BigSis on January 28, 2010


February is Heart Healthy Month

Love Your Heart

We've been talking so much about Valentine's goodies these last two weeks that we haven't yet mentioned that February is Heart Healthy Month. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States and a major cause of disability.

Moreover, did you know that if you or someone you know is suffering from a form of heart disease, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits? Additionally, there are a range of sickness and disability benefits heart failure patients may be entitled to claim if they are unable to work.

Correspondingly, if you would like to learn more about disability insurance policies for people living with heart disease, researching common questions such as ‘what is disability insurance?‘ online is a fantastic way to get the answers you need.

Being unable to work can have financial consequences and therefore it is important to understand the different types of financial support and insurance that are available.

Even though heart disease is sometimes thought of as a “man's disease”, women make up almost 50% of heart disease deaths. This fact from the CDC is pretty alarming.

“Heart disease is often perceived as an ‘older woman's disease', and it is the leading cause of death among women aged 65 years and older. However, heart disease is the third leading cause of death among women aged 25–44 years and the second leading cause of death among women aged 45–64 years.”

The CDC also states that nine out of ten heart disease patients have at least one risk factor. Several conditions and lifestyle choices can put women at a higher risk, including:

  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Alcohol use

We are all aware of the dangers that these factors can have on our health, yet it can be hard for some people to make that initial step to change. Many people avoid the simple task of taking daily vitamins and supplements to get their health up to standard. There are many websites created by professionals of heart health, such as gundry md and many more, that give advice on the best supplements to be taking to take care of your heart. But it doesn't have to be that difficult. Take smoking cigarettes, for example. The road to quitting is the aim of most people and some may like to make the switch to vaping first, and brands like voopoo could be the best place to turn, especially if you want to stop smoking tobacco and nicotine-infused products. In turn, this will prevent you from suffering from the effects that smoking can have on your health, making that first big change to living a healthier life.

As well as this, most of us know that our leading weapon against heart disease is a healthy diet and routine exercise. Heart disease is rampant in my hubby's family so cooking heart-healthy recipes is always on my mind when I plan our menus.

Last year, our physician recommended that my hubby get this book.

The DASH Diet Action Plan: Based on the National Institutes of Health Research: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

We did buy the book and found it to be very informative and helpful, so I would suggest it to anyone who may not know where to begin trying to lower their cholesterol and blood pressure.

And, this is an excellent cookbook from the American Heart Association.

American Heart Association Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook, 4th edition: Delicious Recipes to Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Here are Life's Simple Seven, seven heart health factors from the American Heart Association. You can get your assessment on Life's Simple Seven simply by taking seven minutes to answer a few questions to learn the state of your heart and what you can do to live a better life.

I took the assessment and it didn't even take five minutes. You can spare five minutes, can't you?

LIVESTRONG Fitness 250x250 New Year Banner


Posted under Health

This post was written by LilSis on February 16, 2011


Bath & Body Works True Blue Spa Just a Minute

Got a minute?

If you'd like to feel like you've just had a luxurious spa manicure without spending the time or the money to go to a spa, then look no further. The answer is right inside this little jar.

Truebath and Body Works Blue Spa "Just a Minute"

Truebath and Body Works Blue Spa "Just a Minute"

When BigSis came to visit me last month, she brought me the nicest little gift and I finally took a minute to try this Truebath and Body Works Blue Spa Just a Minute 60-second Manicure Hand Scrub.

This sugar-based exfoliating scrub really does works like magic! You simply massage the scrub into wet hands for a full minute, paying special attention to nail beds and any rough areas, then rinse, and voila! You can say goodbye to dull, dry skin and dry cuticles forever! My hands haven't felt this soft in a long time and my cuticles are noticeably in better shape. The scrub also has a very light orange-citrus scent which happens to be a real favorite of mine.

The 5 ounce jar retails for $12.00, which I think is a great bargain considering the jar will probably last for months. And, since BigSis just mentioned the big Beagle Rescue and the fact that there are still major companies performing animal testing on their products, I went to to verify that Bath and Body Works is on the list of companies that DO NOT test on animals.

So, for just a little bit of money, you can pamper your hands AND know that no animals had to suffer to bring you that product!  Score!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on July 22, 2010


Would there be no Penzeys without Columbus?

Although October 12th is the “real” date that Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering America, we're celebrating it today and we have more than the obvious reason to celebrate it. Did you know the whole mission of the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria was to try to find a shorter route to the spices and silks in the Orient? True, Columbus and his crew stumbled upon a spot in the Bahamas and claimed it for Spain, but just as exciting (arguably) is that Columbus introduced the capsicum to Europe and that's spelled “pepper” to you and me.

What would cooking be like without peppers? Without spices? I say it would be boring. Since my favorite cuisines are Mexican and Italian, I can't imagine a New World without spice. And I can't imagine a spicy world without Penzeys.

I talked about my love for Penzeys a little bit last week in my Sunday Supper post.  Oh how I love me some Penzeys!  Even when I'm on a bland diet and can't be a very spicy girl, I just like to think about Penzeys and imagine the reunion we'll have soon.  They have a retail store here in Dallas where you can wander around and smell every item they carry.  If you aren't close to one of their stores around the country, don't despair!  You can order online or download a catalog if you prefer to browse their products offline.  My experience is that the Penzeys products are all fresh, all high quality, and all powerful so you need to use less of them. I love that you can buy the cute little baby jars of items that you never use up, so you aren't invested in a ginormous bottle of cloves or allspice that will get old before you need it all.

Plus, they have a huge assortment of proprietary spice blends that you can't find anywhere else.  And they do really cute gift boxes.  What's not to love about this spice haven!  Oh, and as a bonus they have great recipes on their web site.  I'm eying this one for Banana Bread.  It has buttermilk instead of higher-fat sour cream, plus it uses their Baking Spice which I've almost picked up a couple of times.  It's one of their special blends with cinnamon, mace, anise and cardamom.  Sounds like a great fall addition to my spice cabinet.

What are my favorites?  Let me see if I can whittle the list down a little bit.

  • Mexican Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Southwest Seasoning
  • Lemon Pepper
  • Shallot Pepper
  • Freeze Dried Shallots
  • Ground Chipotle
  • Toasted Granulated Onion
  • Salt-Free Mural of Flavor
  • Sandwich Sprinkle

That's my Spice Hall of Fame for today, but tomorrow it may change. Hey LilSis, I know you have a different list of Penzeys loves since I turned you on to them.  What are your favorites?


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on October 13, 2008
