Back to Yoga!

I am so sore in such a major way today! I'm not complaining, though, I promise! Every “Owie” that I say outloud is a very good thing! Friday was my first day back to yoga in over six months. Even though I've been walking five miles almost every day and riding my bike for an hour on the other days, I've got muscles from my neck to my toes that apparently haven't been put to the test in a LONG TIME!

I'm done talking about the boot that was on my foot most of the summer and I AM finally, finally getting back to my yoga practice.  I never realized just how much yoga helped me deal with my stress until I was away from it for six months.

My class on Friday was probably the most difficult, yet, most relaxing hour that I've had to myself in months. One hour! Just. One. Hour. No Internet. No cell phone. No Facebook. No Twitter. Just. Me. And. My. Practice.  I love the instructor at the gym I go to on Fridays. She likes to instruct her class in the dark, which I love. She's calming, yet also motivating and inspiring. I knew I missed yoga but I really didn't realize how much until after my class on Friday. Afterwards, I almost felt like me again.

We've had a lot of changes going on in our lives these past several months and I basically let the stress and worry of everything take over ME! There was almost no ME left. (I'm sure some of it has to do with my major roller coaster hormones, but we'll talk about that later.) Like most women, we tend to take care of everyone else before we take care of ourselves. But, if I don't take care of  ME,  I certainly won't be able to take care of anyone else.

On Mondays, I'll go to my local YMCA where there is another fantastic yoga instructor.  Unlike the corporate gym, the locally owned Y allows him to use props, blocks, straps, and even bamboo sticks, which, by the way, give some amazing results when you massage your calves with them prior to your practice. I can't wait for tomorrow morning!

Since I go to a couple of different gyms, I'd love to be able to travel without a mat. I've always been a little curious to find out what it would be like to do yoga wearing a pair of these toesox.

Yoga Teacher Kathryn Budig (photo by Jasper Johal)

Yoga Teacher Kathryn Budig (photo by Jasper Johal)

Every time I look through my new issue of Yoga Journal, I'm fascinated by their ads featuring Santa Monica Yoga Instructor, Kathryn Budig.


Amazing, huh? I'm really excited about getting back to my yoga routine. Maybe some day I'll be able to do this!

yoga1I wonder if I'm too old to dream about one day becoming a certified yoga instructor?


Posted under Fitness

This post was written by LilSis on October 11, 2009

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Aldi in Texas: Store Brands Review

Aldi stores have finally come to Texas!  We've been looking forward to their arrival for a while, partly because we heard Trader Joe's stores are owned by one of the Aldi brothers.  We hoped that TJ's would follow Aldi here, but we're hearing now that is only wishful thinking.  Boo!!  For now, we'll have to settle with exploring Aldi stores.

Aldi stores are marketed as being basic, no-frills, and low-priced grocers.  I visited a new North Dallas store, and found those claims to be true.  The store was very small, with concrete floors, and products stacked in their shipping cartons instead of arranged prettily on shelves.  These are not warehouse club stores, but that is the feeling you get: bare and stark.  Prices are clearly marked on tags above the product.

No frills also means you bring your own bags and bag your own groceries.  You must deposit 25 cents to get a grocery cart, refundable when you return the cart to its home.  You should know too that Aldi brands eliminate the use of coupons, and Aldi only takes cash and debit cards – no credit cards or checks.

Another important note is that you'll see very few familiar brands at Aldi.  During my initial 15 minute breeze-through, I only saw 2 or 3 identifiable brands.  That means you're going to need to spend some time looking at products and reading labels to figure out what you're buying.  You can't just grab your favorite granola bar and know exactly what you're getting.  You'll have to do some research in the aisles when you first shop at Aldi.

On my first trip, I spent $14.59 on 7 items, an average of just over $2 per item.  That's already a good sign, right?  It seems like everything I buy at the Wallymart or SuperTarzhay is $3-something or $4-something.  When's the last time you bought something that was $2?


Here's what I got (I know it's an odd random list!) and how it worked out:

  • Tuscan Garden Large Black Olives $1.19 – Perhaps on the medium-ish side, but good flavor as far as canned black olives go.
  • Fit & Active Instant Brown Rice $1.35 – I've always made regular brown rice so this was  my first taste of an instant version.  It wasn't quite done after 5 minutes of simmering and 5 minutes of steaming, as the directions stated.  After another 3 minutes of simmering and steaming, it was fine. Not fabulous, but ok.
  • Benita Guacamole $2.99 – Wow!  Great!  Just like the Wholly Guacamole two-packs; it tastes like it might have come out of the same kitchen.
  • Fit & Active Dried Cherries $3.49 – The best dried fruit I've ever had.  Really!  These cherries were plump and full of tart sweet flavor; not dried to leathery death.  Next time I'm grabbing a bag of the dried blueberries too.
  • Grandessa Garlic Vinaigrette $1.99 – Slightly sweet for me, but a high quality dressing.
  • Millville Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chewy Granola Bars (10 pk) $1.69 – That's not a typo…you get 10 bars for $1.69.  Granted, they are small bars.  Very small.  But they're tasty little guys that my coworker says are a dead-ringer for Quaker's chewy granola bars.  They weigh in at 100 calories-3 grams fat-2 grams protein-7 grams sugar.  These are too candy bar-ish for me, so even though they were yummy, that's not what I want from a granola/energy/protein bar.
  • Fit & Active Mixed Berry Fruit & Grain Cereal Bars (8 pk) $1.89 – These tasted exactly like Nutri-Grain bars to me, but may be a touch smaller. A great value for an 8-pack of bars.  They have 130 calories-3 grams fat-2 grams protein-13 grams sugar.  Delicious, but I don't want this much sugar in a bar so I wouldn't buy them again.

Overall, I thought these products were a fabulous value for the money.  The quality was consistently excellent, even though the prices were sometimes unbelievably low.  Will Aldi be a weekly stop for me?  Probably not.  I don't buy a lot of processed foods, and the majority of Aldi's offerings are not what I routinely buy.  I do see Aldi as an occasional stop for a few items from time to time, like that amazing guacamole and the scrumptious cherries!


Posted under Shopping

This post was written by BigSis on April 30, 2010

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Fabulous Friday

I LOVE Fridays! Is there anyone out there that doesn't love Friday? For most of us, Friday marks the end of a hard work week and the beginning of a relaxing weekend! Right?

BigSis and I were talking the other day and we decided that since we both love our Fridays, we're going to try something new. We're going to take this day to share with you something that we find to be fabulous. And if it's something extraordinarily fabulous, we may have to call it Fantabulous Friday!

So, to kick it off today, here are a couple of things that I find to be quite fabulous!

Ever Hip Creme Sheen from MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection

Ever Hip Creme Sheen from MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection

Not only is this limited-edition shade, Ever Hip, a perfectly fabulous color for me, but I find the glossy white case to be equally fabulous.

Ever Hip Creme Sheen from MAC Liberty of London Collection

Fabulously decorated case!

The case is decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection. I don't know what I'll do with the case when the lipstick is gone, but I won't be recycling this one.

Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette

Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette

This Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette is nothing less than fabulous! This gorgeous palette was a surprise Mother's Day gift from BigSis that I just received in the mail two days ago and I'm already madly in love with it!

Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette

Sexy, Shimmery, Silky-Soft Shadows!

I tried one of these shadows when we went out Wednesday night and I can tell you that this eyeshadow is going to give MAC some competition! This lovely palette came with a fabulous 24/7 Glide On Pencil and travel size Sin Eyeshadow Primer Potion. The mirror and the magnetic cover are also fabulous, so what more can I say?

Borrego Spring Resort Pool


And lastly, today is an especially fabulous Friday for me because this is where I will be today. 🙂

We'll be in the desert for a Father Son Golf Tournament and I will be by the pool in the fabulous ‘almost 100 degree' weather catching up on some magazine reading while the guys are golfing. I couldn't ask for a better way to spend two days! 🙂

I hope you have a Fabulous Friday!


Posted under This & That

This post was written by LilSis on May 7, 2010

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Be Mine Martini

If you happen to be looking for a fun, festive cocktail to surprise your Valentine with next Monday for Valentine's Day, then you've come to the right place! This Be Mine Martini is so simple that you can whip up for your Sweetheart in just a matter of minutes.

Be Mine Martini

If you've been reading BigSisLilSis for awhile, you know that I LOVE making festive cocktails for special occasions or holidays. If you're new here, you can go to the related posts at the bottom of this post if you'd like to see some of the fun cocktails that I've concocted in the past.

So, let's get started. This is all you need.

Be Mine Martini Ingredients

And, we can't forget about the red heart-shaped ice cubes. I made mine with 100% Cranberry juice for a deep red color.

Be Mine Martini Ice cubes

Be Mine Martini

Slice of lime
red & pink sugar
2 oz. vodka (My favorite is Ketel One)
6 oz. club soda or seltzer water
red heart-shaped ice cubes
Chambord Liqueur

Coat the rim of the glass with lime juice, then turn glass upside down into plate of mixed red and pink sugar. You can put the vodka in a shaker with some ice and shake before straining into the glass if you prefer, but if the vodka is kept in the freezer, it's not necessary.

Pour the chilled vodka in the glass and add the club soda or seltzer water. Drizzle a small amount of Chambord on top and lastly, add in 3 or 4 heart-shaped ice cubes.

(Note: this was a large martini glass, so if yours doesn't hold 8 ounces, just use 1 part vodka to 3 parts soda or seltzer.)

We don't go out for a big fancy, expensive dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day and I'm not one who expects a dozen red roses or a box of chocolates either. We like to exchange cards, enjoy a nice, relaxing dinner at home, maybe with a fire in the fireplace, some good music, and a fun, festive cocktail.

That's my idea of a perfect Valentine's Day!  🙂

EuroCave Wine Cellars


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on February 9, 2011


How to Shampoo your Makeup Brushes

When was the last time you shampooed your makeup brushes?

I was recently at a MAC counter picking up my favorite loose powder when I decided to ask the Sales Person a quick question about my powder brush. The brief conversation went something like this:

Me: “Do you think that it's time for me to get a new powder brush if I'm noticing that bristles are falling out and ending up all over my face when I'm applying my powder?”

Sales Person: “No, not necessarily.  When was the last time you gave your brushes a good shampoo?”

Me: “Hmmm… I guess it would be bad if I said never?”

Sales Person: “Yeah. That could be the problem.”

Me: “Oops.” (as I lower my head in shame.)

I proceeded to tell her that I do occasionally use the MAC Brush Cleanser but that no one ever told me that I needed to shampoo my brushes. I asked her a few more questions and bought a few more items so she wouldn't be so disgusted with me, then I headed home, with my tail between my legs, to shampoo my brushes.

Apparently, most experts suggest cleaning them once a week, but every couple of weeks is better than not at all. Cleaning your brushes more regularly will not only extend the life of the brush but also could prevent some skin problems. Dirty makeup brushes can harbor lots of dirt and bacteria, but frequent washing of your brushes can keep them, and your face, clean and healthy.

It really is simple. Let's do this step by step, shall we?

Dirty Brushes

Dirty Blush Brushes

First, gather your dirty brushes.

Enjoy Shampoo

And your favorite shampoo.

Wet brush

To get started, wet each brush thoroughly.

Shampoo Large brush

Then, apply one to two drops of shampoo directly to each brush and gently massage the brush in between your fingers or in the palm of your hand. Do this for at least a minute or two to get all the makeup and dirt out of the brush. The bigger brushes should be cleaned one at a time.

Shampoo Small Brushes

But, you can wash a few of the smaller brushes at the same time.


Rinse each brush thoroughly. It's very important that you rinse each brush well so you don't leave behind soap residue, dirt, or bacteria. You can gently massage the bristles if needed, but be careful not to pull on the hairs.

Pat dry

Remove excess water and pat dry on clean towel. You can gently squeeze the brush in between the towel, if needed.

Drying Brushes

Lay the brushes on a towel to dry overnight. It's important to lay the wet brushes flat or even pointed down at an angle. Don't ever stand them up to dry. Some of the water could run into the bottom of the bristles and damage your brush.

Clean big brushes

Take a closer look at these after they were shampooed.

Clean brushes

They look 100% better than the ‘before' photo!

Check each brush before you use it to make sure that it is completely dry. If the brush is still damp, then don't use it, and whatever you do, do not use a hair dryer to dry it.

Now, wasn't that easy? I sure wish that I had known to do this sooner. I can't wait to use my clean brushes in the morning!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on September 2, 2009

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Happy Veteran’s Day

 “Freedom is never free.” -Author Unknown

Happy Veterans Day 2012

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” -Elmer Davis


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on November 12, 2012


Clarisonic in Pink? Yes, please!

I love my Pink Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System.  No, that's a lie.  Let me be completely honest.

I'm actually addicted to my Clarisonic and use it every single day.  Sometimes twice a day.

It helps me keep my persnickety skin clean and smooth.  It enables my serum and moisturizer to work better, since the skin is clear and able to absorb products easier.  I think of it as lessening the barrier of product build-up, dead skin cells and makeup.  Without that barrier, my products have an easier time of getting down into the skin to do what they're supposed to do.

There's only one thing wrong with my beloved Clarisonic.  It's not pink!  It's white!


Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System in Graphite Gray, Pink and White

I know, it's shocking that there is a pink product on this planet that I don't have.  I truly am the Queen of All Things Pink.

But I don't have a pink Clarisonic.  And I'm just the teeniest tiniest bit pouty about that.

Do I need a pink Clarisonic?  No, my white Clarisonic works perfectly.

Do I want a pink Clarisonic?  Uh, YEAH, of course I do!

Now, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and you don't have to wish and pine for a pink Clarisonic like I am.  You can get your very own Pink Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System and donate to breast cancer research at the same time.  Plus you can get it with free shipping!  AND you can add free engraving to your Clarisonic to make it absolutely your own.  Add your name, a nickname, or a fun or motivational phrase.

How would I engrave my pink Clarisonic?  “Queen of All Things Pink”, of course!  😀


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by BigSis on October 27, 2010

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Valentine’s Day Gift from Origins

Origins has a Valentine's Gift for You!

I received an email from Origins this morning about this offer so I had to share it with you. It just wouldn't be nice to keep it to myself; would it?

From February 11th – 14th, order any two products from Origins online or in any Origins store and you'll receive a free full-size lip gloss as a Valentine's Day gift from Origins.

Why wait til the 14th to get yourself a treat? Order now as supplies may be limited. And shipping is also free on any orders over $50.00. Sweet!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on February 11, 2010


Aveeno Shave Gels Make You Smooooooth!

Summer is gone for most of us, and has taken swimsuit season away with it for a few months. However, being the well-groomed, sophisticated women that we are, we still have to shave our legs, right? We can't let a ding dang forest grow on our legs just because we aren't going to the pool, or running around in shorts.

I do it every morning whether I'm wearing a skirt or not; it's just part of the daily routine. Over the years, I've tried bunches of different shave creams and gels, and have a real favorite line that you might not know about since I find it frequently in the men's shaving section.

Aveeno Positively Smooth Shave GelThe best shave gels on the market, in my opinion, are made by Aveeno. I like two of them equally well. The Positively Smooth Shave Gel has soy and emollients, and is supposed to help you shave less often and get fewer nicks, cuts and razor bumps, which makes sense as using shave gel is one of the tips for getting smooth armpits as mentioned in this article. It has a very light and pleasant fragrance.

The other gel I like is the Therapeutic Shave Gel. It contains oats and allantoin, and is formulated for sensitive skin and is supposed to soothe and moisturize easily-irritated skin. It is fragrance-free.Aveeno Therapeutic Shave Gel

You can find these at most discount stores and drug stores for under $5 usually. I find them both to work extremely well at what they claim to do. They are both moisturizing, and provide a close irritation-free shave without the red bumps. I don't know if the Positively Smooth Shave Gel does reduce hair growth or not, and it doesn't really matter to me. It's an excellent gel and smells great.

Since I've found these two shave gels, I'll never go back to the strawberry-kiwi or peach-mango scented gels…you know the ones I mean! They aren't nearly as nourishing to the skin as the Aveeno line, and don't cost much less.

Shave on, girls! If you use these gels, let me know what you think about them!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by BigSis on October 4, 2009


Super Speedy Mexican Vegetable Stew

Being single and eating my biggest meal of the day before noon, it's really easy for me to skip dinner or to just have a handful of almonds.  I try to eat intentionally though, and skipping dinner doesn't set me up for a very energetic morning.

I have a solution that works for me, even in the summertime when you don't automatically think of something warm.  How about a one-pot stew/soup dish that's inexpensive, nutritious AND super speedy?  I got it for you.  It's so simple, I don't even need to give you an official recipe; I can just tell you how to do it in a few words.

Take 5 cans from your pantry, and don't feel bad that you're using cans!  You need a big can of fire-roasted tomatoes (diced or crushed), a small can of diced fire-roasted tomatoes with green chilis (similar to Rotel but I think much better!), a can of green beans, a can of red kidney beans and a can of corn.

Vegetable Stew Cans

Open all the cans, and dump both tomatoes into a large saucepan and turn the meat to medium.  Fill the small can with water and add that.  Then add whatever mexican seasonings you like to the tomatoes and simmer for few minutes.  I used garlic powder, cumin, chile powder, dried cilantro, shallot pepper, salt and a touch of dried chipotle.

Bring the tomatoes to a boil, and then add the drained corn and green beans, along with the kidney beans that have been drained and rinsed.  You don't want that nasty bean juice.  Heat until the vegetables are heated through.  Voila!  You're done!

I like to serve my stew with dairy-free cheese (Daiya) and sour cream (Tofutti).  My diced tomatoes with chilis were pretty potent so I didn't even need any Frank's Red Hot Sauce!

Vegetable Stew Bowl

In this one bowl, you get nutrients from the veggies, plus protein from the beans that will keep you full for a good long time.  Use whatever veggies you have, and feel free to add other goodies like mushrooms, onions, and chili peppers.  Hatch chilis are almost in season and they would be incredible in this.

I'd say this is a much better dinner than a few sorry nuts!  😀


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on August 12, 2010

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