Blog World & New Media 2009

Today is a big day for us!  This morning, I'm hopping on a plane to meet BigSis in Vegas, where we'll be attending the BlogWorld & New Media Expo 2009. We've been planning this trip for months so we're really excited that the much-anticipated day is finally here!


We've been studying like crazy to prepare ourselves for all that we hope to learn this weekend at the Expo. And, we're secretly (ok, not so secretly now) hoping to meet Darren Rowse, the infamous ProBlogger. I'd also like to meet the zany, Jenny of The Bloggess. And, we're both curious about Anthony Edwards being a Keynote Speaker.

We're going to be extremely busy with morning til night sessions and plan to crash a few ‘After Parties', so if something exciting happens, you can bet we'll be Tweeting about it! If you aren't already following us, just go to the right sidebar and Follow BigSis and LilSis. We promise not to bore you with what time we get up, what we eat for breakfast or what time we get in from the casinos; just maybe a couple of quick Tweets about our adventures and misadventures!  We'll also be putting up our photos on flickr.  You can find our photostream at

And, if time permits, we'll throw up a post or two from Vegas so stay tuned for more on our BigSisLilSis adventure @ Blog World in Vegas!  Look out Vegas; here come the sisters!


Posted under Travel

This post was written by LilSis on October 15, 2009

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Relastin Eye Silk Buy One Get One Free Offer

Relastin 2 for 1

HOT OFF THE PRESS!! I just got the email yesterday about this offer and didn't want to waste any time passing it on to those of you that don't receive the emails from Relastin.

From now until October 2nd, you can buy one Relastin product and get the second for equal or lesser value for FREE! Or stock up on your favorite Relastin product by taking advantage of the two for one offer! I'll be stocking up on the Eye Silk, for sure.  The Eye Silk normally sells for $69.00 each, so I can't pass up buying it when I get two for the price of one.

Relastin Anti-Aging Eye Silk

Relastin Anti-Aging Eye Silk

I know, I know, we both talk a lot about Relastin Eye Silk! But, what can I say? We love it! BigSis first mentioned it here in November of last year when we were having a Sister Showdown on Eye Creams. Then, I talked about my results here in January and again in July.

I guess we got the attention of Relastin because our reviews on the Relastin Eye Silk are actually on the In the Press section on the Relastin site.

Just in case you missed it, the Relastin Eye Silk was just awarded the Allure Magazine Editors' Choice Best of Beauty Award for the third year in a row! It's the third year for the product to be on the market and the third consecutive Allure Award. If any product wins an award for being a great anti-aging product, I'm buyin' it!! 🙂

Just so you know, we don't get paid to promote this product, nor do we receive any free products from Relastin for doing these reviews!  (hint, hint, if anyone from Relastin is reading…)


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on September 24, 2009



We wish you all a happy & healthy 2011!


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on January 1, 2011


A couple of new favorite MAC products.

I love BigSis' tutorial on Depotting the MAC Eye Shadows! Since my shadow collection is very similar to hers, with just over 50 of the adorable little pots, I'm going to try to find some time to depot mine soon.

My makeup drawers have become annoyingly messy, so I'm working on a little reorganizing project that I'll be sharing with you soon.

Here's what my MAC shadow drawer looks like now.

MAC Eye Shadows

As long as we're talking about MAC, I thought it would be fun to share with everyone a couple of my new favorite MAC products.

BigSis gave me a MAC gift certificate for Christmas and I had just run completely out of my eye cream, so I decided to give MAC's Fast Response Eye Cream a try.

MAC Fast Response Eye Cream

Here's what MAC says about their Fast Response Eye Cream:

The super-charged, caffeinated cream with instant effects. De-puffs, erases the look of dark circles, firms, soothes and softens skin around the eye. Special optics act like magic to fade away lines.

Sounds good, huh? Since this eye cream is caffeinated, I use it first thing in the morning and I use a different one at night. So far, I'm happy with the results I see from this Fast Response Eye Creme.

I've noticed some firming around the outside of my eyes and it definitely helps with the morning puffiness, which I seem to have almost every morning these days. And, most importantly, this eye cream doesn't leave my under eye area dry so my concealer still glides on nicely on top of it.

Another MAC product that I've been using for awhile that I really love is MAC Mineralize SkinFinish Natural.

MAC Skinfinish Natural

I used MAC's loose powder for years and besides the fact that it didn't last long enough, they made the container smaller so I stopped buying it.  For $29.00 versus the $23.00 for the loose powder, the Mineralize SkinFinish Natural compact is a much better bargain because it lasts so much longer.

It doesn't take much of this product to get nice coverage. I just swipe my big powder brush over it a couple of times and the powder goes on in a really nice matte finish. It evens out my skin tone so much better than the loose powder. There are about nine shades to choose from so there's something for everyone. My shade right now is Medium Dark and I love it! If you aren't happy with what you're using now, I would highly recommend giving this a try!

Even though I don't have quite the collection of empties that BigSis has now, I just discovered that I have six empties so it's time to head to the MAC counter to pick out a new lipstick. 🙂

If there are any other MAC fanatics out there that have a new favorite product or a favorite eyeshadow or lipstick shade that they'd like to share, we would love to hear from you!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on March 3, 2012


Happy In-Between Weekend

I agree with what you said, LilSis.  I hope that everyone had a great Christmas!  I also hope that you aren't in the midst of that after-Christmas-darn-it's-all-over-letdown feeling since we're in that weekend after Christmas and before New Year's.  I don't have those blues this year, but some years I do.  What I do have right now is a GIANT list of things to do this weekend.  You know the list…I bet you have one too.  It goes something like this:

  • Put away all the Christmas paraphernalia: wrapping paper and bags, treat bags for food gifts, extra Christmas cards you didn't send, etc.
  • Put away all the great gifts you got.  BTW, read the manuals and send in the warranty cards!
  • Unpack from your holiday trip.
  • Go to the grocery store for FOOD, not flour, sugar and butter.
  • Drink as much water as you can to try to flush all that “stuff” out of your system that's making you feel sluggish today.
  • Try to figure out which of the deadly leftover temptations in your refrigerator can be frozen to get them out of your sight. And keep them out of your mouth.  And off your butt!
  • Clean out your closets to make one more donation to the women's shelter before year-end.
  • Balance the checkbook!  Yikes!
  • Return that gift you bought just in case, but didn't need after all.
  • Buy New Year's cards since you didn't get around to Christmas cards.
  • Buy thank you cards.  Actually fill them out and mail them.
  • Catch up on laundry.
  • Catch up on house-cleaning. especially if you have New Year's Eve company coming.
  • Think about what you might want to buy with any gift cards or cash you received.  The New Year's Day sales are just around the corner, so watch for the sale offers in the paper, mail and online.
  • Catch up on everything that you got behind on in the last week, like going to the bank, refilling prescriptions, buying pet food, and going through the mail.
  • Start to weigh your New Year's Eve options.
  • Go to the gym to try to burn off that fudge!  How can that much damage be done in two days??

That's my list.  How about yours?

And by the way, while we're in the list-making mode, how about using one of these?  I can get my pink fix and my Franklin Covey fix at the same time with these awesome products! And BONUS!  They're having a sale through December 28th!

FlipNotes are only $7.05 and so cute!

FlipNotes are only $7.95 and so cute!

This Pink Portfolio is letter size and $69.95

This Pink Portfolio is letter size and $69.95. Pricey but pretty!

For electronic lists, how about this laptop bag at $189?

For electronic lists, how about this laptop bag at $189?

However you like to organize your to-do lists, use your method of choice to get started on your 2009 resolutions! I'm working on mine!


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by BigSis on December 27, 2008


Eat Pray Love Movie

Eat Pray Love

Bunches of us read Elizabeth Gilbert's book “Eat Pray Love” when it came out, including LilSis and I. We both loved the book, and I think LilSis even read it twice.  I was a little on guard about some of the new age aspects in parts of the book, but they didn't taint the rest of it for me.

Now, a movie based on the book is coming out in about 2 weeks on August 13th. You know how you have a mental picture of a book's characters as you're reading it? Well, I absolutely did not imagine Julia Roberts as the lead character in this great book. I'm actually not even planning to go see the movie because I think the casting might just ruin the whole film for me. I'm not hating on Julia; I think she was entertaining in “Pretty Woman”, but I don't think she has the depth and the soul that this role calls for.

Eat Pray Love Movie

Am I being overly-skeptical, or do you agree with me?  Who would be a better choice for the lead role in this movie? It could be so GOOD with the right actress!  Who would you choose?


Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on July 31, 2010


Detoxing with the Clean Program

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your year has gotten off to a fabulous start! Did you resolve to do anything differently this year? I don't call myself a resolution maker, but I do like to take a quick look back to see what worked the previous year, and what I'd like to do better. For example, I didn't lose as much weight as I'd have liked to last year, so this year I'm really going to try. There are so many elements to weight loss that I'm yet to overcome, such as food cravings. Although, a friend did suggest that certain supplements suppress food cravings, and many of them have regular deals on (such as nucific deals). So that's one of the first steps I'm going to take this year. Maybe that's the definition of making resolutions, and I'm just kidding myself that I don't go there?

Anyway, the main bugaboo in my life for the last few weeks has been devouring things I don't usually eat, in addition to getting less rest, and succumbing to a lot of holiday stress. You know what that all adds up to…time to detox!

Clean ProgramI personally love a good cleanse, and have done several over the years. The detox of choice this year is the Clean Program. It's a 21-day nutritional cleanse based on the best-selling book Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself by Dr. Alejandro Junger.

You might have heard Gwyneth Paltrow talk about this book, like I did. I've had the book for a while but just pulled it out on New Years Eve as I was deciding on which cleanse route to take. I know; I'm quite the party animal, right?

I'm not gonna lie; the Clean Program is not for the faint of heart. I'm wrapping up my first week, and it's going surprisingly well, but you have to get your mojo on before you start. I absolutely believe that this program is at least 50% mental, if not more!

Here is my amateur paraphrasing of the rules:

  • Eat none of this bad stuff: dairy, eggs, soy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gluten, evening nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers), strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, grapes, peanuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, pork, beef, veal, processed oils, etc, etc, etc. The list is long and a little daunting!
  • Have liquid meals for breakfast and dinner: soup (preferably raw to maintain the healthy enzymes), fresh juices (from allowed fruits and veggies), or smoothies.
  • Enjoy one solid meal each day at lunch. That's right; I said ONE.
  • There must be a twelve-hour fast between dinner and breakfast.
  • Additional goodies: eat a raw garlic clove each day, take two tablespoons of olive oil before bed, brush your skin each day (exfoliation helps the toxins exit), drink a TON of water, and exercise moderately every day if you can (walking's great). The benefits that olive oil can provide the body cannot be overstated – check out these gundry md olive oil reviews to see the ways that taking it can help maintain a healthy heart. You also have to make sure you do a #2 every day (make SURE you do, even if you need some “help” with it. You know what I mean.). If the released toxins linger in your system, you could re-absorb them, and you definitely don't want to do that!
  • If you haven't purchased the official Clean kit ($425), you'll need to purchase some supplements to help your body with the detox. I already had a lot of this stuff so I didn't buy it. I'm using ground flaxseed, rice and pea protein powders, Maca, Chlorella, a powerful probiotic, Milk Thistle, PGX and Oil of Oregano. I know many people like to detox using a liposomal vitamin which also supports their immune system – this may work for you too.

What's the POINT of all that and what CAN you actually eat? Good questions!

The point is to take as much stress as you can off your body, including the work of processing a bunch of stuff that gets in the way of effective digestion and elimination. You want your body to spend that energy getting rid of the toxic garbage that causes a host of problems like fatigue, joint pain, constipation, and food cravings.

The supplements help your body to release the toxins and get them out of your system as efficiently and completely as possible. Did you know that a water or juice fast can help release toxins, but the nasty little buggers are best whisked out of your system when they can bind to (take a ride on) protein? I didn't.

Another bit of news to me is that the olive oil helps your liver release bile, which is really helpful since your poor stressed liver is going to be working overtime to process all these toxins that are hopefully taking the fast track out of your bod.

So what can you actually EAT, you ask, for cryin' out loud?

  • Gluten-free grains (sometimes called pseudo grains), like amaranth, teff, millet, quinoa and brown rice
  • Fruits with exceptions noted above
  • Vegetables with the exception of corn and nightshade family
  • Dairy substitutes like almond milk
  • Vegetable proteins: split peas, lentils, beans, spirulina, blue-green algae
  • Water, water, water!

As I said, the Clean Program isn't a walk in the park. It's serious about doing some seriously important work for your health. You're eating pretty darn CLEAN for three weeks, and you have to be extremely motivated for better health, otherwise you're going to be resentful and feel deprived. I was hoping to get a jump-start on losing some holiday poundage that crept up on my backside. More than that though, I wanted to get away from the sugar and salt cravings I'd given in to during the holidays, as well as getting back to only one cup of coffee a day rather than two or three. A little extra energy would be nice too.

To be fair, eating this way isn't as hard for me as it might be for some folks since I've been vegetarian for over seventeen years and vegan for two years. I already do a morning smoothie and make fresh juices, and I try to eat intentionally. But even so, I still have LOTS of room for improvement. I eat too much processed stuff, too much soy, too much faux meat, too many crackers, too much caffeine, and during the holidays/bake sale time I consume too much sugar. And I can always improve on the amount of fresh veggies and fruits in my diet. Plus I'm exposed to toxins like everyone else from pesticides, exhaust fumes, smog, chemicals, stress; you name it. This has had an adverse effect on my skin, making me look older than I am! A few of my friends have suggested supplements like bhmd dermal repair complex, which could help me rebuild the collagen in my body and make me look the age that I am!

So how's the cleanse going, you ask? The first three days I had a pretty bad headache, but surprisingly I haven't been hungry at all, even at night when I tend to snack on crackers and nuts and whatever else I can get my tired hands on after work and a workout. I've definitely experienced some detox symptoms like tiredness, a mouth sore, and an inflamed/coated tongue and roof of mouth.

Some signs are good though! I'm starting to feel clearer and strangely calm. My scale needs a new battery so I can't quantify it, but I absolutely feel like I've lost some weight; probably a lot of bloaty water and maybe a pound of fat. I hope, I hope! I don't have any cravings, even though I haven't had a cracker or a single piece of bread in a week. Cool, huh? I feel very in control of what I eat right now, and not at the mercy of every bon bon or chip I walk by. That's a huge improvement!

I still have fifteen more days to go, and I'm excited to see how it shakes out! So far, I'm feeling pretty good about it and feel like I can go the distance. I'll report back on the events of the next two weeks!

Note from BigSis added on 1-10-12: At the end of week one, I lost 4 pounds! Yippee! Hopefully more to come…


Posted under Health

This post was written by BigSis on January 8, 2012


Free Origins Skin Care Set

This offer starts today and lasts through October 3rd, but if you LOVE Origins like I do, you don't want to wait! Take advantage of this offer NOW!  Origins says quantities are limited so you don't want to miss out on this deal!

All you have to do is purchase any Origins moisturizer and you get one of these skincare sets for FREE! Each set includes your perfect cleanser, a clinically proven serum, and Origins best selling Modern Friction gentle dermabrasion.

I've used almost every one of these products and I love them all. Modern Friction is the only scrub that I use now and Checks and Balances and Never a Dull Moment are also a couple of my favorites. Each of these sets contain the “best of the best.”

I did call Origins Customer Service to verify that this offer is only good at the Origins stores and not applicable for online purchases. If you happen to have an Origins store nearby, I still think it's worth a quick trip to get these awesome products for free.

I'm not going to miss out on this offer!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on September 16, 2009


Almond Meal Gluten Free Cookies: Fail

You know how some people always say that this or that is a “hot mess”.  Have you ever wondered exactly what a hot mess is?  What does a hot mess look like?  Wonder no more…voila!


This, my friends, is a bonafide hot mess.  No, this is not what I was going for.  Ha!  Not even close.  I was aiming for a variation of Peabody's Hazelnut Honey Cookies.  A few of her commenters mentioned trying almond meal in place of the hazelnut flour.  I thought, well, hecky darn; I have an endless supply of dried almond meal since I've been making my own almond milk for months now.  Why don't I conduct a little experiment with the almond meal substitution, and report back on my marvelous success; much to the delight of Peabody and her readers!

Instead, I have to fess up to my failure hot mess and submit my name to the Baker's Hall of Shame.

Where did I go wrong?  I subbed agave for half of the honey but I don't think that would cause a disaster of this magnitude.  I also added a tablespoon of cocoa powder, and even added an extra half cup of almond meal since the mixture seemed loose.  Little did I know, it had only begun to be loose!

When I first looked into the oven, the cookies seemed to be spreading a tad, but on the second look…good gravy!  I had a sea of bubbling, bumpy, grainy goo.  Not what I was going for at all.  😀 Looks a bit like the surface of the moon or Mars, doesn't it?


I think the problem was with the almond meal.  I probably should have only substituted almond meal for part of the hazelnut flour.  I also might have goofed in using the almond meal in it's coarse state.  Maybe it would have behaved better if I had pulverized it.  I'd certainly like to pulverize it, now that I've wasted those tasty little cherries and other ingredients!

It was a fun little experiment, even though it flopped.  If you try something new, you have to be prepared to fail sometimes, right?  Thank you, Almond Meal Gluten Free “Cookies”.  You gave me the best laugh I've had in ages!  😀


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on November 30, 2009

Tags: ,

Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker plus a Bonus Freebie!

Cuisinart 2 qt Stainless Steel Ice Cream Maker

Cuisinart 2 qt Stainless Steel Ice Cream Maker

We have just one week of July behind us, so there's still plenty of summer left, and what better way to celebrate summer than with ice cream! LilSis mentioned this great Cuisinart ice cream maker a while back, and it's been in the back of my mind ever since.

When the new Williams-Sonoma catalog (schwing!) came out last week, guess what was in it?  This same awesome 2-quart Cuisinart stainless steel ice cream maker at the excellent price of $79.95.  But guess what?  If you buy this shiny little beauty from Williams-Sonoma by August 3, you get a $20 gift card for the store by mail…free!  Free free free! My favorite price!

So I'm thinking.  Ice cream and a $20 gift card to one of my favorite stores.  It seems like a no-brainer to me.  Only problem is I'll also have to spring for The Vegan Scoop ($13.59 at Amazon) since dairy ice cream doesn't like me.

Williams-Sonoma Ice Cream Party Bowls

Williams-Sonoma Ice Cream Party Bowls

Oh, and I'll have to get these cute exclusive ice cream party bowls for $39 from Williams-Sonoma.

And by the time I gobble down a few quarts of non-dairy ice cream, I'm going to need bigger pants.  Maybe the $20 gift card isn't such a good deal after all.

Oh, who in the hecky darn am I kidding?  Free is free, people!  Run…don't walk…to Williams-Sonoma and get your ice cream maker and your gift card before this deal expires!  If you run, I bet you've already burned enough calories to eat a bowl of mint chocolate chip by the time you get there!


Posted under Shopping

This post was written by BigSis on July 7, 2009
