Cruelty-Free Shopping: 2nd Update

February 20, 2011

Animal Testing Cartoon

Back in July, LilSis and I made a commitment to ourselves and to the animals in testing labs that we would eliminate animal-tested products from our worlds.  We’ve had some easy instant successes and some challenges.

I talked about one of the biggest challenges in my first shopping update in September.  The problem?  Paper products!

I dare say most of us are UBER picky about the toilet tissue, paper towels and napkins that we buy.  I certainly am. I was completely loyal to Charmin toilet tissue, Puffs tissues, Viva paper towels and Bounty napkins…all animal tested.  Viva is a Kimberly-Clark brand, while Charmin, Puffs, and Bounty are part of the Procter & Gamble empire.

I first tried paper products from Seventh Generation; a brand that I really love because of their dedication to green cruelty-free products.  On a side note, their Free & Clear Natural 2X Concentrated Laundry Liquid is actually less expensive than Tide and is just as effective, in my opinion.  Plus it is non-toxic, biodegradable,  and is free of phosphates.

I also love their Automatic Dishwasher Gel.  I tried another natural dishwasher gel that did a horrible job.  Even after thoroughly rinsing dirty dishes, they still didn’t come clean with that product. Seventh Generation’s gel is just as effective as the animal-tested, chemical-filled products I used to use.

Now back to the paper problem.  I’m sorry to say that I didn’t fall in love with Seventh Generation’s line of paper goods.  I wanted to!  I really, really wanted to.  They were just a bit too natural, if you know what I mean.  I tried a few other natural brands and Whole Foods’ store brand, and had the same experience with them.  For me, they were just a little too rough and scratchy, and didn’t have the strength I was looking for.

I can haz TPNever fear though!  I have a solution that I’m happy about, and it comes from an unexpected source.  Did you know that Safeway products are not animal-tested?  I didn’t until I found that bit of news on PETA’s Caring Consumers site.

To my happy surprise, Safeway paper products are pretty good, and I’m now purchasing them regularly instead of experimenting with other brands.

In Texas, Safeway products are the store brand for Tom Thumb stores.  In other states, you may find them at Von’s, Genuardi’s, Carrs, Casa Ley, Dominick’s, Pak’n’Save, Randall’s, Pavilions, and Safeway stores.

If you don’t have one of these stores in your area, you might try the store brands for Trader Joe’s and Food Lion, since they are not animal-tested either.  I don’t have access to those stores, so I can’t vouch for their paper goods, but if you do, please let me know how it goes.

The bottom line for me…if I can find a more-than-ok replacement for Charmin, then this endeavor is totally doable.  Safeway is obviously not a vegan company, and they don’t have the same focus and natural-dedication as Seventh Generation and some other companies like Method.  But they do make a lot of products that give us options, and allow us to enjoy quality products without supporting animal testers like Procter & Gamble.

I just noticed that Safeway makes a duster refill that fits the Swiffer duster handle!  Swiffer is another Procter & Gamble product, so I was dreading the day that my last box of duster refills was depleted.  Worry no more, me!  Safeway to the rescue!

Animal Testing photo credit: AlBakker’s Flickr photostream

I can haz TP photo credit: ixmati’s Flickr photostream

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Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara

September 13, 2010

Score! I think I’ve found a new mascara to replace the Maybelline Great Lash that I’ve been using for years (up until I recently learned that Maybelline tests their products on animals)!

I happened to be in Macy’s last week and decided to stop and take a peek at the Clinique counter to check out their mascara. After looking over six or seven different choices, I bought the Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara for $14.00 and just kept my fingers crossed that I would like it.

Clinique Lash Building Mascara

Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara

I can’t say that this mascara magnifies your lashes to twice their size, as Clinique claims, but so far, I like the Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara in Black even more than I liked the Great Lash.

It glides on easily because it’s thinner than some mascaras, which is one reason that I liked the Great Lash. This mascara didn’t clump, flake off, or smudge, even after a workout.

I also love the size and the shape of the tapered brush because it separates the lashes nicely and reaches each and every little lash.

(After several uses, you may find that you need to dab off a little product from the point of the brush, but it’s not near as bad as some thick mascaras.)

The best thing about this product, and the reason for me switching mascaras, is that Clinique is on the list of companies that DO NOT test their products on animals.

A couple of months ago, after BigSis revealed the story about the beagles being rescued from a testing lab, she and I both committed to not purchasing any more products from companies that animal test. Unfortunately that list is longer than you may realize. It’s really easy to go to to check out the list of companies that DO test on animals and those that DO NOT test on animals.

I’ve still got a lot of work to do to get my household purged of all products made by companies who animal test, but little by little, as I run out of something, I make sure that I replace it with a product made by a cruelty-free company. 🙂


Help Ban Animal Cruelty Crush Videos

May 20, 2010


A month ago, The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund urged Congress to pass H.R. 5092.  This bill would provide law enforcement with the tools they need to immediately crack down on animal cruelty “crush” videos.  If you’re like me, you don’t have a clue about what a “crush” video is.  Let me just say there’s a lot of depravity in our world.  A crush video depicts the intentional crushing, burning, drowning and impaling of puppies, kittens and other animals for one purpose…the disgusting titillation of some twisted people who will pay for those videos.

Back in 1999, President Clinton’s administration passed the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Act which pretty much eliminated the sale of the videos, but that Act was ruled unconstitutional in 2008.  Since then, the videos have reappeared and are now widely available for sale on the internet.

A day before H.R. 5092 was introduced in Congress, the Supreme Court ruled that the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Act was too broad, and might involve some depictions that are protected by the First Amendment.  That ruling led the sponsors of H.R. 5092 to immediately present it as a specific, targeted bill.

What can you do if you’re as horrified as I am about this issue?  Encourage your representatives to support it!  Now that we know about this, we can’t pretend that it doesn’t exist.  Passing this bill is a no-brainer!

For more information, check out the Humane Society of the United States‘ web site.  You can see a list of the 50+ representatives who introduced the bill.  A good place to start is to thank them!


What the “L”?!

October 21, 2008

What the “L” is BigSis up to?

  • Lunching on the new Barilla Piccolini; cute little baby bow ties that are a tasty fun way to stay on this darn bland diet.
  • Leafing through the new Allure October issue with their editors’ Best of Beauty Products feature.
  • Lecturing coworkers about the importance of passing Proposition 2 in California.
  • Limiting my desire to hoard every last package of Mother’s Coconut Cocadas cookies since the company folded after 92 years in business.  Sniff!  You may still be able to find some Cocadas and pink sprinkly Circus Animals cookies on store shelves, but don’t dawdle!
  • Lazing around watching my favorite Food Network show “Barefoot Contessa“.  This lady really cooks, and her cookbooks are fabulous!
  • Loving the Green Chili and Garlic Goat cheese from La Cuesta Farm in Texas.  I bought it over the summer from the Farmer’s Market, now I have to go to Central Market for it.