How long does it take for Bachelor lust to fizzle?

March 1, 2010

So what did you think about the conclusion of the Bachelor? Did you see the handwriting on the wall from the beginning of the episode?

  • Did you think it was weird that Jake’s family changed their opinion of Vienna so easily?  His mom seemed to be pretty intuitive from the beginning, and Jake was totally defensive about it, and was freaking out that he might have given his family a negative first impression of Vienna.
  • You knew it was trouble when all Jake could say to Tenley was I love your eyes, your smile, your positivity, blah blah blah.  That isn’t the way you talk to someone you’re in love with.
  • How harsh/stupid/mean was it for Jake to say that he and Tenley didn’t have physical chemistry?  Was he placing the pure lust he seems to feel for Vienna, above the emotional connection that he seemed to have with Tenley?  Ouch.  I would have been hurt too.  We all know that the lust stuff can wear out, and then what do you have left if that was the whole basis of your relationship?  Eventually you have to stop rolling around in the mud, and join reality:  start doing dishes and cleaning out the garage and taking the kids to soccer practice.

Do you believe me now when I tell you I heard that Jake isn’t with the woman who got the last rose, and in fact they had already split by the time “After the Final Rose” was shot?  We’ll see.


Darn Bachelor

February 25, 2010


I swore I’d never watch another one of these ding dang things!  After that whole Jason debacle, I was so hissed off that I swore I’d never again waste my time on this show!  I didn’t watch Bachelorette last year and I didn’t start Bachelor this year.  That is, until Bry moved in!  Gah!  I hope he doesn’t lose his man card for this, but some chickadee got him hooked on the show and I started watching it with him.

Even though I’ve been watching, I still don’t feel very invested in the “characters”. Maybe I’m protecting myself since Jason burned me so badly when Kind Humble Man turned into Flaky Man and traded in Melissa for Molly after the fact.  This season just feels a little shallow to me, which I guess would mean the other seasons have been full of deep meaningful content?  🙂

One interesting tidbit this season was the whole Rozlyn travesty of a mockery of a sham and her appearance on the “Women Tell All” episode this past Monday. Really? Does she honestly think we believe a teensy weensy word she has to say?  You get caught red-handed (or red-whatever) by several people, and still lie like a rug?  And then you attack Mr. NiceGuy Chris Harrison in the process?

Two thoughts about that.  #1, didn’t Forrest Gump say stupid is as stupid does?  He would probably say the same thing about pretty.  It doesn’t matter how gorgeous you are on the outside if the inside is contaminated by a lack of character with a big dose of mean and nasty.

#2, don’t be hatin’ on Chris Harrison, friend, just because you’re caught in a corner.  That’s just not right.  I happened to see him at a local Jason’s Deli with his family a while back, and he seemed like a pretty lovely man to me.  PS, he’s more handsome in person.

So, back to our story.  Will it Be Vienna, or Tenley, or neither?  All I’ll say is that I heard from a little bird that it doesn’t matter which one gets the final rose, cause Jake isn’t with the “winner”.


Glad I’m not invested.
