October 20, 2010
I don’t think we’ve mentioned lately how much our kitties love wearing hats! 🙂
If you don’t believe us, just look at these happy faces from previous Halloweens when all three of them posed in their favorite witch hat!
See. Don’t they look like they’re having fun?
(We’re both animal lovers so we want to assure you that there is never any cruel treatment to our little furkids to get these photos. Please don’t call the authorities on us.)
Since we no longer host costume parties or have little kiddos to dress up, we sisters just get a kick out of showing off our little furkids in their Halloween costumes, their Christmas outfits, and their New Years Eve hats. We actually don’t need much of an occasion in order to torment them with photo shoots.
No, we aren’t crazy cat ladies (yet)! I know we aren’t the only ones who like dressing up our pets. I was in Petco today and couldn’t believe all the cute outfits for little doggies!
Does your pet have his/her Halloween costume yet? If so, we would LOVE to see them!
Just for the pure fun of it, we thought we would have a little Parade of Pet Costumes here on BigSisLilSis for Halloween. And this parade isn’t limited to just kitties; it’s open to all pets: dogs, bunnies, guinea pigs, birds, reptiles…you name it. We want to see it! Cats in Hats, Masquerading Mutts, Doggies in Dresses, Incognito Iguanas…you get the idea!
If you want to join in on the fun, just snap a photo of your pet in their hat or costume and email it to either BigSis (BigSis at BigSisLilSis dot com) or LilSis (LilSis at BigSisLilSis dot com) by Thursday, October 28th and don’t forget to mention your pet’s name.
We’ll post the parade here on Halloween, Sunday, October 31st! 🙂

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