May 1, 2009
LilSis Disclaimer: This is a first here; but I would like to make it known that I am not responsible nor did I contribute in any way to this post. (I think BigSis is trying to get back at me because she thought the YouTube video was crude that I posted once with the 80s workout queen farting throughout her entire workout.) I have a weak stomach and never would have been able to take these photos. So, with that said, continue reading this post at your own risk…
You read that right. I didn’t say “Hammer Time”. I said “Hairball Time”. If you have cats you know exactly what I mean. The weather is warming up and that means only one thing…shedding and lots of it! And shedding means hairballs, no matter how much I brush these guys. This time of the year, it’s commonplace for me to come home from work and find a little “present” on the carpet waiting for me.
When this happens, I could start looking for a company offering carpet cleaning services near me. Sometimes, if the stain is particularly large or dark, this is the best course of action. But if it is only small, or light in colour, I can usually deal with it myself. That being said, occasional visits from a carpet cleaning company will do your carpets the world of good.
Even though my carpet is new and light in color, I don’t freak out. If I’m gifted with hairball barf, I let it sit and get dry and crunchy. Sorry to be graphic, but that’s the best way to clean it up in my experience, and if there’s one thing I have massive experience with, it’s the gross things that come out of cats!! I’ve seen two very elderly cats through kidney failure to the end, so there isn’t much that turns my stomach when it comes to cats. I’ve learned to breathe through my mouth and to go to the happy place in my head. Nuff said. 😉
I talked before about how to clear up cat urine odor and also my magic potion for barfage and poopage. I really wanted to share some before and after photos from this week’s Hairball Fest, just so you could see that my potion works and there is hope for your carpet if you’re in the mist of Hairball Time!
But when LilSis heard I was doing this post, she said: “NO!! SAY IT AINT SO!!” She isn’t down with this topic, so out of respect for her and her sensitive stomach, let me add a warning. If you’re easily offended or grossed out, or if you’ve never experienced the joys of these little kitty issues, then come back to BigSisLilSis tomorrow. If you’re brave and want to see the evidence, read on, friends!
So these are my darling furkids:

Gaby Baby

Ashy Poo
And these are the presents they left me recently:

From Gaby...actually a hairball and not poop

And from Ashy
After the evidence had dried and was removed, here was the damage left on the carpet:

Gaby's stain...

And Ashy's stain
Now, after applying my magic potion just once, here are the results! And with no chemicals!

Gaby's mess all gone...

and Ashy's mess all clean!
Voila! Sorry LilSis, but if this post could help just one person, it was all worth it! 😉

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