August 13, 2009
I don’t know about anyone else, but this Summer has taken a toll on my hair. And if I didn’t pay a frappin’ fortune for highlights and low-lights, I really wouldn’t care so much. I sure wish that I didn’t have the challenges of gray hair, but I do and I’m not ready to be like Jamie Lee Curtis and go “all natural”. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
It’s taken me years to find a good hair stylist who knows how to do my hair, so I really try to take care of it. As it is now, I go every six weeks in-between appointments instead of every four weeks, which is what I used to have to do! I know, that’s high maintenance, but it’s the lesser of two evils.
Since there is still a little Summer left, I thought that this might be of some interest to those of you that still have that intense Sun wreaking havoc on your hair. When I’m at home, whether at the pool or the beach, I always have a heavy duty conditioner on my hair. Between the chlorine, saltwater, and sun, it doesn’t take long to do some real damage to my hair if it’s unprotected.
I somehow forgot to take a good conditioner with me on my recent trip to Texas so BigSis and I made a quick stop at Ulta to check out some hair products. Originally, I was looking for some sort of color protectant that I had used in the past but we couldn’t find anything similar.
Then, the display of Fekkai Marine Summer Hair Collection caught our eye.

Fekkai Marine Summer Hair Collection
We really loved the ingredients and the scent of all of these products. For our purpose at that time, I decided to buy the Fekkai Summer Hair Beachcomber Leave in Conditioner.

Fekkai Beachcomber Leave in Conditioner
This product is intended to be used as a normal everyday leave-in conditioner, but after consulting with a sales person at Ulta, she agreed that it would be fine to use it to protect our hair while in the sun. To use it in this way, we just got our hair wet first and then sprayed the conditioner in, combed it through, and went on our merry way.
We loved how this conditioner held up, not only to the heat and humidity, but also to our curly hair! Years ago, whenever we went to the pool or water park, we always used a product called Mermaid, which also contained a lot of seaweed and sea algae ingredients. We loved it and have never found anything remotely similar until now.
This description from Fekkai might explain why we like it so much.
Fekkai Beachcomber Leave-in Conditioner — A lightweight formula that contains marine peptides, sea algae extract and UV shielding ingredients to detangle the hair, boosting its moisture and shine while protecting it against damage fading effects.
For those of us with curly hair, it’s a big deal to find a conditioner that you can just comb through your wet hair and it remains sleek looking all day.
This Fekkai leave-in conditioner was actually that good!! We were both pleasantly surprised! Our hair type is a true test for any hair product and this one held up despite the temperatures and humidity!
Since then, I’ve used it after my regular shampoo and conditioner and my hair was quite happy. But the last time I used it, I decided to eliminate my regular conditioner and just use this leave-in conditioner by itself to see what would happen. I love it! I’m really happy with the results that I got from using it alone. Honestly, I’ve had better results with this leave-in conditioner than I’ve had with the past two Enjoy products that I’ve bought at my hair salon.
Unfortunately, I just realized that this is a limited edition product so I’m going to have to stock up!
