Tired of your tunes?

July 2, 2010

Even though I have almost 5000 songs on my iPod, I’ve become completely bored with the songs that I have in my cardio playlist. I bet that I’ve listened to the same songs thousands of times since I created this playlist a few years ago. This past week, I made it a priority to sit down and take a little time to work on it.

I deleted quite a few that I just can’t bear to listen to one more time but I also added some fun new songs to help me boost my workout.  I’ve become so dependent on my iPod that it’s almost impossible for me to workout without it.

Here are a few of my favorites that I’ve been listening to this week.

“Yeah” by Usher

“Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga

“Even Flow” by Pearl Jam

“All the Single Ladies” by Beyonce

And I absolutely adore these next two songs. Neither are upbeat enough for my cardio playlist, but I can listen to them over and over and over again.

“Just Breath” by Pearl Jam

“Hunger Strike” by Temple of the Dog

I’m trying to be more open-minded when it comes to listening to music that’s outside my “norm”.  I could easily get stuck in a 70s, 80s, 90s rut if I let myself, but luckily, having a 16 year old in the house that loves different genres has opened my eyes to some new stuff.

Thanks to BigSis and HayHay for downloading some new tunes for me!

I would LOVE to hear from you if you have some favorite songs that you LOVE to listen to while working out! Just leave a comment or send me a quick email to lilsis at bigsislilsis dot com. 🙂

