Linzer Heart-shaped Sandwich Cookies

February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Linzer Heart Shaped Sandwich Cookies

Not that we need any more cookies in this house since we’re still loaded with Girl Scout cookies, but I thought this would be a fun treat for Valentine’s Day.

Linzer Heart Shaped Sandwich Cookies

My friend from New York calls these Linzer Tarts and they’re one of her favorite cookies so I’ll be dropping some off at her house today so we don’t end up with too many left to tempt me.

Even though I’ve seen a few variations of this recipe, I used the original Linzer Sandwich Cookie recipe that was on the package of the Linzer cookie cutters.

Linzer Heart Shaped Sandwich CookiesI was a little out of my comfort zone when making these because I haven’t rolled out cookie dough in many years, but the recipe was pretty simple and I think they turned out pretty good!

HayHay came in right after I finished the photos and he must have thought they were okay because he devoured 3 or 4 in a matter of seconds!

Have a terrific Valentine’s Day!

