October 6, 2008
I’m writing this post this afternoon while HayHay & I are on the plane returning home from our long weekend in Chicago. SirHoney is staying an extra few days to visit. This photo was actually taken on our way to Chicago on Thursday night. I just love being above the clouds on a beautiful night. It’s such a surreal feeling to me.
On every trip to Chicago, we are always “on the go” and don’t have too much downtime. We stay at SirHoneys’ parents house, but the kids are scattered all over the “burbs” so we do alot of driving. Here are the highlights of the weekend.
SirHoney, SirHoneys’ brother, R, BigGuy, and HayHay left for Indiana on Friday morning for a Notre Game football game and “boys weekend”. They attended the Pep Rally on Friday and had the opportunity to take a tour of the stadium and “tailgate” prior to the game. They all had a great time and BigGuy and HayHay could only describe it as a “ridiculously” fun time. Go Irish!
While they were having their “boys weekend”; I had some time with the girls and our new grandbaby, LittleOne. He just turned two weeks old today. There’s not much I can say other than he is absolutely beautiful and such a little sweetheart. He’s a calm, really good baby.
We spent Friday afternoon visiting at Meems. Friday night, Meem had her first evening out since having the baby and TallGuy had his first evening alone with LittleOne. Bo, Meem & I went out to a local Italian restaurant and had a great dinner.
Saturday afternoon, myself, Bo, Meem,and LittleOne met MrsBigGuy, LittleGuy#1, and LittleGuy#2 at Bengston’s Pumpkin Farm. The boys were so excited! I want to know how many people have ever watched a Pig Race? Maybe it’s a Midwest thing, because honestly, I didn’t know such a thing existed. (Not even at the Texas State Fair) Here’s proof!
The boys got such a kick out of it! LittleGuy#2 was chosen from the crowd to be a “Pig Rooter” and was told to cheer for #1. Well, #1 lost and LittleGuy#2 was not happy!
LittleGuy#1 is unbelievably strong for a six year old. He walked over to this pumpkin, grabbed it, says “I wonder how much this pumpkin weighs” and throws it up on the scale. It weighed 19 pounds!
We all had a great time! It was LittleOnes’ first outing and he was terrific. All the boys were being so good, so we went out for Mexican food and went back to Bo’s after dinner. Meem and LittleOne stayed with us since TallGuy was at a bachelor party. No doubt he and his friends will be taking a look at the escort münchen directory and getting up to all sorts of trouble! LittleOne managed to get a bellyache and Meem and I were up with him all night. Even though he didn’t feel well, he’s such a sweet little doll.
Sunday afternoon, we all met at SirHoneys’ sisters’ house for a cookout. We got to visit for a few hours, then Bo, HayHay, TallGuy and Meem went to the Statesville Haunted Prison. Apparently, it was very scary! I’m glad that I decided not to go. HayHay said that I wouldn’t have enjoyed it. He said I would have gotten claustrophobic and would have had a panic attack. He’s probably right!
I don’t like scary stuff at all and definitely don’t like violent stuff so I won’t put up any of those photos. Here’s a photo of the checkered room that is supposed to be quite the optical illusion.
This morning, we drove to Meems to visit her and LittleOne one last time. BigGuy had picked up LittleGuy#2 from kindergarten and had picked up HayHay from Bo’s so they were at Meems when we arrived. LittleGuy#2 actually rode with SirHoney to drop off HayHay and myself at the airport. He was thrilled that he got to spend time with Papa alone. LittleGuy#1 was still in school.
I had been kidding LittleGuy#2 all weekend telling him that I was bringing him with us back to California. He was so funny on the way to the airport, he said “I love airports. I’m going to order some cookies when I get on the plane.” I guess he really did think that I was taking him to California with me.
Unfortunately, BigT couldn’t join us on this trip because he couldn’t ask for two days off work so he stayed home and took care of TomTom and SarahGirl. I wonder what they did while we were gone?
So, that leads me to where I am now; on the plane returning home. I’m always happy to leave for a long weekend, but I’m also very happy to return home to sleep in my own bed.

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