Nancy Brinker Receives Medal of Freedom

August 15, 2009

I know that yesterday’s topic was pretty serious and we typically like to keep things pretty “chipper” here on our blog. But, that being said, when we’re passionate about something, we feel it’s important that we share it with you here. That information about the dolphins in Japan is very disturbing, and if there’s anything we can do to make a difference, we have to do it.

When I think of one person who has been able to make such a huge difference in a fight for a cause; it would be Nancy Brinker. I was so happy when I heard that on Wednesday, President Barack Obama honored Susan G. Komen for the Cure® founder and cancer advocate Ambassador Nancy Goodman Brinker with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.


“One of the last things Suzy Komen did before she died was to have her sister, Nancy make her a promise,” President Obama said. “Nancy promised that she would prevent other families fighting breast cancer from suffering the way her family had. What began as a shoe box with $200 and a list of friends has become a global Race for the Cure; a campaign that has eased the pain and saved the lives of millions of people around the world. In the months after making that promise, Nancy lay awake at night wondering if one person can really make a difference. Nancy’s life is the answer.”

The story of these two sisters has always stuck in my mind and has motivated me to help raise money for this cause for several years now.


Until yesterday, I had come to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to be able to commit to Captain our team in this year’s Race for the Cure due to some major demands on my time.  I was still going to participate but I was going to try to recruit another team member to take on the role of Captain. Then, in the same day that I heard about Nancy Brinker receiving this award, I ran into a friend, who is a Survivor, only to find out that she is sick again and still unsure of her prognosis. It makes me really, really sad. She isn’t even 40 yet and has two young children.

That sure put things into perspective for me.  Sure, I have too many demands on my time right now, but I’m not fighting for my life! So, I really feel like this is something that I’m supposed to do.

Our local San Diego Race for the Cure is November 1st, so I think I better start rallying my team together! You can go to the Susan G. Komen For the Cure site to find out more about a race near you!


Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and “Cure” Beanie Bear Giveaway Results

November 5, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008 was the big day for the San Diego Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.  We all met at 6:00 a.m. at my house and headed down to Balboa Park in San Diego. Our team raised almost $4000.00! I was very happy with our results considering we only had 15 members this year versus 21 members last year. Sundays’ race had a record attendance of almost 13,000 and a record of almost $1.4 million dollars raised for Susan G. Komen For the Cure.

It was a very fun, successful day! And of course, we had to stop in Old Town for Mexican Food on the way home to celebrate our team’s success.

Also, I promised the “Cure” Ty Beanie Bear to one lucky reader who commented on the post.  Guess what, SisMama?  Expect to receive her in your mailbox shortly! You were the only comment on the post for “Cure”, so you can’t be ineligible!


Bake Sale/Rummage Sale for Komen Race for the Cure

October 11, 2008

I am happy to say that we earned almost $400.00 today from our Rummage Sale/Bake Sale to benefit Komen San Diego Race for the Cure. My team members showed up with an amazing assortment of baked goods and loads and loads of items for the rummage sale.  I had tremendous help! Most of the team members arrived at the “crack of dawn” to help me set up and stayed for the duration all the way to the point of loading up what was left to haul off to their charity of choice.

My rice krispie treats turned out fine, even though at one point, I was unsure about how the German Chocolate Treats were going to turn out. They looked like a bit of a mess when I was trying to mix.

Sticky Mess!

Sticky Mess!

I made three different kinds, the rice krispie recipe with mini chocolate chips on top, plain rice krispie treats with pink sprinkles on top, and the German Chocolate treats made with the Cocoa Pebbles, coconut, and pecan. Here’s what they looked like before cut up.

I made all three batches before 7:30 this morning

Three batches before cut up.

Here they are wrapped and ready to go!

Here they are wrapped and ready to go!

We had such a great assortment of goodies.  We had marvelous homemade carmel apples, really nicely decorated pretzel rods, lovely brownies, donuts, cookies, and more.

Beautifully Wrapped Carmel Apples

Beautifully Wrapped Carmel Apples

Pink Ribbon Cookies

Krispie Treats & Pink Ribbon Cookies

I loved the Pretzel Rods made by J.

I loved the Pretzel Rods made by J.

Starbucks donated a large container of coffee, cups and stirrers.

Coffee Table

Coffee Table

We’re excited about our upcoming Race on November 2, 2008.  If you are interested in participating in a Race for the Cure in your area, it’s not too late. Just visit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure website to find the location and date in your area.
