June 18, 2010
Woo Hoo! It’s Friday! It’s Friday! I love Fridays!
I know you can’t tell, but I’m doing a little happy dance! 🙂
If you’ve been reading BigSisLilSis for any period of time, you already know that Friday is my favorite day of the week and today is not only a Fantastic Friday, it’s a Fantabulous Friday!
SirHoney and I got some fantastic news this week, plus BigSis and SisMama are here in Southern California visiting us, and today, we’re heading to the casino! BigSis says she enjoys gambling at online casinos at the moment because you can learn all you need to know about online bonuses and take better advantage of them. I told her we won’t be benefiting from many bonuses in this casino, but she was happy enough that we were getting to play some slots. Since we’re probably going to be playing penny slots, were not really expecting to hit it big, but we’re going to have fun trying! Perhaps we may have to follow this link or find another online casino similar so we can play something a little more thrilling than penny slots, this way we’ll have a better chance of hitting it big as well, wish us luck!
On another note, since we were just talking about Man vs. Food, did anyone happen to catch the season premier episode on Wednesday night that was filmed here in San Diego? It was awesome! Our favorite part of the show was when Adam tackled the legendary Ironman Challenge at the infamous Broken Yolk Cafe.
Broken Yolk Cafà© Special (For the Iron man or woman)
A dozen-egg omelet filled with mushrooms, onions, American cheese and smothered with chili and more cheese. On the other half of a 15-inch pizza pan is a generous pile of homefries and two biscuits. The Broken Yolk Special is free if you eat it all within an hour.
Here’s a peek at just a couple of their giant four egg omelets. Can you imagine what that 12 egg omelet looks like close-up?
We’re trying to talk HayHay into letting us take him to Broken Yolk Cafe to attempt the challenge, so if we make our own Young Man vs. Food video, we’ll be back to share it with you. Otherwise, we’re in Vay Cay mode here in So Cal and we’ll check back in if we have something fun to report.
Have a great weekend! 🙂

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