November 7, 2008
Call me a dork if you want to, or Susie Homemaker, or a Martha Stewart wanna-be, but I LOVE finding a new household product that works wonders! It makes me happy happy happy. So in this edition of Friday Favorites, I unabashedly present my favorite household items! But be careful, if you try them, you just might find yourself in my dorky shoes!
- Clorox GreenWorks All Purpose Cleaner. It has a fabulous fresh scent thanks to the lemon essential oil, and on top of that, it works! Before I thought of trying it, I read about the bathroom cleaner in the GreenWorks product line in the August/September issue of ShopSmart Magazine (you already knew I had a bad case of magazine mania, and I love this one!). ShopSmart said that Clorox GreenWorks Bathroom Cleaner worked as well as others, but didn’t cost more. I figured the All Purpose Cleaner was a safe bet, and I wasn’t disappointed. It even does a great job of cleaning my granite countertops, and leaves a nice shine on them.
- Caldrea Citrus Mint Ylang Ylang Dish Soap Liquid. The scent of this is heavenly, and makes doing dishes MUCH more pleasant! I also love the countertop cleaner (great on the granite), the window spray, the home fragrance spray, and the powdered scrub in this scent. Imagine essential oils of orange, lemon, bergamot, mint and ylang ylang, all blended together!
- Simple Human Stainless Steel Trash Can. I don’t like for my trash can to be in the pantry with food in case it gets stinky; just one of my many little quirks. So that means my trash can has to be out in the open, and that means it has to be pretty! I think this can is very beautiful, plus it doesn’t absorb any odors, and it holds a good amount of stuff. It’s spendy, but you’re not going to need to replace it for a long, long time! Maybe never!
- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Several years ago, I had some nasty tile grout at my old condo, and was racking my brain to try to figure out how to clean it. I knew that LilSis had someone clean the grout at her house in Texas, and it cost a fortune (pre-Magic Erasers), plus they had to use some kind of caustic product. I was hoping to avoid that kind of expense and chemical experience. The Mr. Clean Magic Erasers had just come out, and for some reason, I tried them on a bit of grout, and viola! It worked like a dream! Better than a dream! I emailed everyone I knew to tell them of this miraculous discovery. Now, in this condo years later, I’m still using this product to clean tile grout, and it’s still the best product on the market for the job, and lots of others.

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- Find more in Home, caldrea, clorox, household, Mr. Clean, Simple Human