Dallas Spring Snow!

March 21, 2010

What a crazy weird winter it has been for us in Texas!  Snow on Christmas Eve, record-setting snow in February and now snow on the first full day of Spring!  Here in Dallas, I woke up this morning to at least 3 inches of snow!  It’s so beautiful and so rare for us that I had to share some photos with you…

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow


How Many Texans Does it Take to Build an Igloo?

February 14, 2010

One, two, three, four, five.  Five.  It takes five Texans to build an igloo!

Dallas Igloo

This is my friend SAA and her family, with the igloo they built during Dallas’ 12.5 inch record snowfall on February 11.  I’ll bet I never get to say those words again…

Way to go SAA and crew!


Snowmageddon Record in Dallas!

February 14, 2010

Last Thursday, the Dallas area got a whopping 12.5 inches of snow; shattering the previous record of 7.5 inches to smithereens!  I can’t even tell you how gorgeous it was and what a treat it was to see this. My neighborhood looked like some kind of fairy tale North Pole scene.  Even though it was beautiful – and lots of schools closed to the delight of kids everywhere – it did cause a lot of problems.  100,000 people are still without power today.  Thankfully, my power was back on Friday night after being out for the whole day.  We had trees down all over town, and branches ripped off the ones still standing.  Those poor little trees weren’t used to holding up all that snow, and ended up toppled over on power lines.

Since this may be the biggest snowfall I’ll see in my lifetime if I continue to live here, I wanted to remember as much of it as possible so I took a zillion photos.  Here are a few:

Adios, snowstorm of 2010!  You were a bit of a pain, but you were a blast while you were here!  🙂
