August 21, 2009
Yesterday, BigSis mentioned The Container Store and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. A few weeks ago, I accidentally received someone else’s happy organized home sale catalog in my mail box. I’ve looked through it several times and have been drooling over a few products that I’d really like to have, yet I haven’t found the time to make the trip down to the store. Even though 45 minutes to an hour isn’t really that far to travel for a great shopping trip, I have yet to make it to our San Diego location in the seven years that we’ve lived here. That’s about to change! 😉
I’ve mentioned how the whole back to school thing makes me want to reorganize a bunch of drawers and cabinets. And not just the drawers for school supplies, I’m even dying to reorganize my makeup drawers. These Acrylic Trays with Removable Dividers will work perfectly for both!

Acrylic Trays with Removable Dividers
These trays come in three different sizes. The large are on sale for $17.99, the medium are $12.99 and the small are $9.99 each. Here are the same Acrylic Trays shown being used to organize cosmetics.

Acrylic Trays with Removable Dividers
And as long as I’m reorganizing my cosmetic drawers, I’ll need to work on the cabinets under my bathroom sink. I love these 2-Drawer Stackable Organizers with the slide out drawers. These are on sale for $7.99 each. These would be perfect for all the hair products and lotions that I keep under my sink.

2-Drawer Stackable Organizer
These Clear Stacking Bins could be used in so many different ways! They come in five different sizes ranging in price from $3.49 for the small to $9.99 for the Extra Large. I’d love to have a few small and medium ones to hold desk supplies.

Clear Stacking Boxes
For some reason, I’ve always had a hard time finding a good hat rack that will hold quite a few hats. BigT went through a little phase of liking certain sports caps, especially ice hockey teams, and BigGuy always had a few favorites, like Notre Dame and ‘Da Bears, but HayHay is way over the top with the hat thing. He’s pretty obsessed with the Boston Red Sox hats, golf hats and Billabong hats and has at least a couple of dozen.
Since the hat racks with pegs never hold enough and I don’t want two dozen hooks all over the wall, I’m wondering if this Canvas Hanging Storage Bag might work well for hats. He could stack several on top of each other in the six compartments. This is a pretty good price at $12.99.

6-Compartment Hanging Canvas Bag
And while I’m talking about getting HayHay organized, I wonder if he would actually hang up his towels if I had one of these Overdoor Towel Racks on the back of his bathroom door? These are normally $24.99 and are on sale for $14.99. At that price, I’m willing to take a chance that it might help keep towels off the floor.

Bungee Overdoor Towel Rack
These are just a few of the products that I’d really love to get while this sale is going on. The only problem is that once I walk in that store, I just know that I’m going to want to go crazy!

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