“The Shack”

June 1, 2009

I would like to thank my long time, great friend, E, again for giving me this wonderful book for my birthday. I probably would not have read it otherwise!

(BigSis and I read this book at the same time and finished about the same time, but we decided to write about our individual opinions separately without discussing it or reading the others post. So, hopefully this isn’t too redundant.)

"The Shack" by William Paul Young

"The Shack" by William Paul Young

I really loved this book!  I’ve already ordered several copies to give to friends and family. It’s one of those books that you really want to share. I can’t pass on my copy yet, though, because I’ve already started it again. This time, I’ll force myself to read slower. I’ve heard some people say that they get even more out of it the second time around.

When sharing this book with others, the author specifically requests that you not discuss the plot. E didn’t tell me anything about the book. She just told me how much she loved it. She’s also rereading it and is participating in a Study Group.

It would change your experience of reading this book if someone blabbed anything about the plot or the ending.  If interested, you can read more about the author on theshackbook.com and even get a sneak peak at Chapter One if you’d like.  I don’t think that there is anything on the site that takes you further into the story, but you wouldn’t want to go the Forums, as they would definitely be discussing the plot.

In my opinion, this is a “must read” for anyone who has been trying to deal with grief, guilt, pain, or issues with forgiveness.  And, even if you’re not dealing with any of those issues, this is a great read and it just might make you see things in a different light.


Read “The Shack”

May 31, 2009


I’m so glad that LilSis mentioned that she was reading “The Shack” in her last “What the L”.  Where have I been?  I hadn’t heard one peep about this book, but now I know that everybody is reading it.  Some churches are reading it as a congregation and are doing studies along with it, much like they did when “The Purpose Driven Life” came out.

Back to “The Shack” though.  After LilSis mentioned it, I saw it at Sam’s Club that night and read the comments on the back cover.  They sold me on the book:

  • Wynnona Judd said “Reading The Shack during a very difficult transition in my life, this story has blown the door wide open to my soul.”
  • Michael W. Smith said “The Shack is the most absorbing work of fiction I’ve read in many years.  My wife and I laughed, cried, and repented of our own lack of faith along the way.  The Shack will leave you craving for the presence of God.”
  • Mike Morrell said “This story reads like a prayer – like the best kind of prayer, filled with sweat and wonder and transparency and surprise. If you read one work of fiction this year, let this be it.”

There isn’t much else I can add to that; those endorsements are not overstatements.  The comments got the book into my hands, but from then on the book worked its way into my head and my heart.

I won’t give away one smidgen of this story.  I was fortunate to know nothing about this book when I read it, and I want you to have that same advantage.  If you know what to expect or what’s coming next, your experience will be lessened, and this is truly a glorious experience that you should have without expectation.

All I want to say is READ THIS BOOK.  Read it slowly, read it thoughtfully, and then read it again.  What’s it about?  It’s about rage and unforgiveness and grief, and getting unstuck from those dark places that consume your life.  It’s about forgiveness and love.  It’s about joy, and food, and special fondness.  Just read it.  If you don’t feel forever changed, let me know.  I’ll eat a bug.  A big juicy crunchy bug.

Oh, and one note in case you wondered.  LilSis and I are NOT being paid to review this book – or any other item on this blog for that matter – but I want to make it absolutely clear because this book is so important.  Please read it.
