World of Warcraft Freak Out

July 20, 2009

I always dread Monday mornings! I’m usually overwhelmed with a long task list and playing “catch-up” with stuff that didn’t get done over the weekend. So, instead of being grouchy and grumble about all there is to do, I thought it would be fun to start off this week with something really funny. I may have a warped sense of humor, but I thought this was hilarious! I hope it makes you laugh out loud! I did! 🙂

Do you know anyone that spends hours on end playing World of Warcraft? I’ve heard stories about not only children being addicted to this game but adults as well. I even heard about a woman that used to play this game while at work! One of my colleagues likes playing this game too so he told me a lot about it. It seems like it’s a popular option for gaming lovers. How much is the world of warcraft player count you find yourself asking? It must be a large number. He told me about the different types of games that emerged from World of Warcraft and its parent game Warcraft. He even told me about gaming tournaments based on these games and how much Gamers are paid to compete. It was pretty interesting to learn about a whole other side of video games and how many games there were in these competitions, such as Smite, League of Legends, and Dota 2. I even discovered that you could use dota 2 boost guides in order to reach higher levels and improve your skills.

I’ve never played these games myself but I do know how popular they are now. Moreover, thanks to gaming forums like Warcraft Tavern for example, WoW players can communicate with other gamers about everything to do with the game. Anyway, all I know is that I’m so glad that my son is very sensible when it comes to playing video games. I’ve always had pretty strict rules about how long I allow HayHay to play any kind of video or computer games. I’m lucky that he’d rather be out surfing, golfing or skateboarding instead of sitting at a computer playing a game.

Watch how this 15 year old reacts when he discovers that his mom canceled his World of Warcraft account.

Wow! A little dramatic; wouldn’t you say?
