Origins Halo Effect to the Rescue

April 23, 2009

While we're talking about tired, puffy eyes, I've got a little tip that I'd like to share with anyone who has ever felt this way.  Have you ever sat in front of your makeup mirror after finishing your makeup and realized that you still look really, really tired?  If you're lucky enough to answer no to that question, then read no further.

I hate to admit it, but it happens to me a lot more lately than it used to. (A little visit to a plastic surgeon would probably help in that area, but I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to talking about surgery so that's not an option at this point in time.)

If you were reading last week, you know that BigSis and I were on full-blown vacation rules. We had a great time, but it sure showed when I looked in the mirror the next morning.  One day we were all getting ready to go out and I had finished putting on my makeup but still felt like I looked extremely tired. So, I started rummaging through my makeup drawer and I found my bottle of Origins Halo Effect ($17).


I've had this product for some time now and have tried using it in several different ways but I was never happy with the results.  I've tried a dab above my eyebrows, which was supposed to make your brows look a little lifted, but I didn't like the shimmer in that area. I also tried it on the outside of my eyes, but unfortunately it just magnified the crows feet. (For those of you that don't have those yet, enjoy!)

For some reason, I started thinking about the MAC tutorial videos that BigSis discussed in this post. If you watch the video on the smokey eye, at the end, the makeup artist takes a small brush and applies a little light eyeshadow with a goldish reflective to the outside of the inner corner of the eye to create some light in that area. I decided that instead of shadow, I would try using the Halo Effect in the same way. I applied just a little with a pointed Q-tip and was very pleasantly surprised with the result.  I kept just one eye done and compared the two several times and even asked for SisMama and BigSis to give me their opinion. They both said they could tell a difference in the two eyes and I knew it was noticeable when BigSis said “Do mine!”

As I was looking at the Origins site just to make sure that they still carried the Halo effect, I noticed this Eye Brightening Color Stick.  They say that it “Makes your eyes wake up and come alive”.  So, now I'm wondering if I need to give that a try also. If anyone has ever tried this Color Stick, I would love to hear from you!


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3 Comments so far

  1. Posted by jennyonthespot

    April 23, 200911:25 am

    This is perfect timing… I have never looked OLDER! Also, today I am older than I have ever been. Drats. Gonna have to check that out. My eyes are bag-ay!

  2. Posted by BigSis

    April 23, 20094:41 pm

    Hey Jenny, there seems to be a lot of that going around! What’s up with that?? We girls have to stick together and share any ideas we have!

  3. Posted by LilSis

    April 23, 20099:30 pm

    Hi Jenny,
    With those pretty pink streaks in your hair, I find it hard to believe that you look old…But, I really do like this product. It made a noticeable difference…I hope if you try it, you get the same results. Let us know!

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