Garnier Nutritioniste Anti-Puff Eye Roller

April 20, 2009

After overindulging in Mexican food, pizza, or salty chips almost every day for the past ten days, BigSis and I found ourselves waking with what we call “salt bags”. And no, we don’t just mean puffy eyes! These are called salt bags for a reason!  Seriously scary!


When I first saw Sarah Jessica Parker on the commercial for the Garnier Nutritioniste anti-puff eye roller, I actually laughed.  I’m thinking to myself, ”yeah right, here we go again with another product that claims to just roll away the puffy eyes.”  I was definitely skeptical. I read a few positive reviews online about this product, so we picked it up one day when we happened to be at Target.

It might not have been a fair time to test this product since both of our eyes were much puffier than normal.  I really liked how the product went on with the little metal ball; nice and smooth, and cool since we kept it in the fridge.  I also liked the way that the product dried so that you were able to put concealer right on top of it and didn’t have to wipe it off like some products.

Overall, I do think that this product reduced the puffiness under my eyes.  (Some mornings, I actually used it twice.) I wouldn’t say that it’s a miracle product as they make it seem on the commercial, but I’m going to keep using it. For $13.00, it’s a good buy and I think worth a try for anyone who has trouble with morning under eye puffiness!

What are your thoughts on the anti-puff eye roller, Big Sis?


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5 Comments so far

  1. Posted by noble pig

    April 20, 20099:43 am

    I’ll have to remember this. I don’t get puffy eyes in general but I sure wouldn’t want them!

  2. Posted by Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer

    April 20, 20091:26 pm

    Thanks for the tip – I wondered if it really worked – Hey if it reduces swelling it is worth it!! 🙂

  3. Posted by grace

    April 22, 20096:08 am

    i’ve never heard of this and didn’t know such technology existed! and if it’s backed by sjp, well, it must be great…right? 🙂

  4. Posted by LilSis

    April 22, 20098:58 am

    Noble Pig – You’re lucky! I wish I could say that I don’t get puffy eyes!

  5. Posted by LilSis

    April 22, 20099:01 am

    Hi Cathy, Hi Grace!
    I’m using it every morning and it does help. I was using the Origins No Puffery prior to this, but I like how this dries better. You don’t have to wipe it off and can just put concealer right on top of it.

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