Garnier Nutrioniste Anti-Puff Eye Roller: Part 2

April 22, 2009

Well, LilSis, I have to say that I'm ambivalent about the Anti-Puff Eye Roller at this point.  I liked how the roller ball felt on my under eye area.  It was cool and felt kind of soothing.  The fluid or serum or whatever you call it didn't irritate my eyes in the least, which is a really good thing.  I don't have anything negative to say about it, and the price is excellent.

The Garnier web site says that the eye roller works based on this premise:

Caffeine decongests puffiness and diminishes dark circles
Pro-Vitamin B5 refreshes and hydrates the delicate eye area

Since we've seen that caffeine can be an effective ingredient in anti-cellulite products, in theory this product should work.  To be completely honest though, I just didn't really notice any reduction in puffiness.  We DID have a lot of Mexican food and pizza a couple of times plus Big T's yummy pita chips, so this may not have been a fair trial for this product.  If you continue to see results, LilSis, I may buy myself one to try under normal circumstances…when I'm not consuming massive quantities of salt!

On the Sister Scale, I'm giving this product 6 out of 10 points, but I'm reserving the right to revisit my review!  What other eye products do we have to talk about, LilSis?


Garnier Nutritioniste Anti-Puff Eye Roller

April 20, 2009

After overindulging in Mexican food, pizza, or salty chips almost every day for the past ten days, BigSis and I found ourselves waking with what we call “salt bags”. And no, we don't just mean puffy eyes! These are called salt bags for a reason!  Seriously scary!


When I first saw Sarah Jessica Parker on the commercial for the Garnier Nutritioniste anti-puff eye roller, I actually laughed.  I'm thinking to myself, ”yeah right, here we go again with another product that claims to just roll away the puffy eyes.”  I was definitely skeptical. I read a few positive reviews online about this product, so we picked it up one day when we happened to be at Target.

It might not have been a fair time to test this product since both of our eyes were much puffier than normal.  I really liked how the product went on with the little metal ball; nice and smooth, and cool since we kept it in the fridge.  I also liked the way that the product dried so that you were able to put concealer right on top of it and didn't have to wipe it off like some products.

Overall, I do think that this product reduced the puffiness under my eyes.  (Some mornings, I actually used it twice.) I wouldn't say that it's a miracle product as they make it seem on the commercial, but I'm going to keep using it. For $13.00, it's a good buy and I think worth a try for anyone who has trouble with morning under eye puffiness!

What are your thoughts on the anti-puff eye roller, Big Sis?
