Get a Jump on Summer Vacation Plans

Did we have spring break when we were kids? Waaayyy back when we were kids? I don't remember ever having a spring break; only 2 weeks at Christmas and a full 3 months of summer. Maybe we did have spring break, and I just forgot. Perhaps my memory lapse has something to do with all those brain cells I murdered unceremoniously in the 80s. Surely not.

At any rate, it seems like spring break season is in full swing in school districts around the country, and spring makes me think of summer which makes me think of vacation. I've heard on the news for a while that more people are doing the “staycation” thing, where they stay close to home and enjoy local attractions to save money in this treacherous economy. The same can't be said for expectant moms who are heading to Babymoon Destinations for one last adult only holiday.

But if you're going to take a real vacation, let me share this cool site I just heard about from my friend SA. It's, which stands for Vacation Rentals by Owner. Instead of paying exhorbitant hotel rates, this site allows you to search all over the world for condos, homes, apartments, villas, etc., that are offered for rent by the owners. I'm not planning a vacation, but I had a ton of fun browsing all of the homes available for rent. It was amazing to see how many there were, but it was even more fun to see all of the gorgeous homes for sale in the Caribbean. I couldn't stop myself from imagining being in a beautiful house in Playa Hermosa in Costa Rica, just enjoying myself, but that's just a dream for now. However, it doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to a little traveling. Someday (soon!) LilSis and I will take our dream trip to Greece and Italy, and this will be a great resource! Here are a few of the homes I found for rent:

  • A luxury vacation log home in Wasilla, Alaska. Yep, the same Wasilla where Sarah Palin served as Mayor before she went on to become the Governor of the state. For $1300-$1800 per week, you get 3 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, a cook's kitchen, wi-fi and cable in a woodsy setting.
  • A condo on a private island on Lake Travis in the Hill Country of Texas. $109-$159 per night gets you 1 bedroom, 1 bath, a 42″ flat screen TV, views of the lake and marina, and access to tennis courts, fitness facilities, and hot tubs.
  • A chalet on the peak of Mt. Kanimbla in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia. Talk about an escape! For $365 Australian dollars per night (about $234 US), you get a one bath studio with a private hot tub, fireplace, and a kitchen stocked with food staples! And you're surrounded by the native wildlife including kangaroos, wallabies and eagles. Trust us, it is the most breath-taking scenery, sounds, smells. You won't regret it. Australia is a perfect place for road trips too, so if you're feeling adventurous, you could look up hiring a van to drive around in. Maybe you could go up to Brisbane. There are some great van rentals there too. Click here for more information.

    Australia Chalet

    Australia Chalet

  • A villa in the village of Kefalas on the Greek island of Crete. Check out the 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, private pool and equipped kitchen, all for 60 to 200 Euros per night (about $76 to $253 US).
  • A penthouse apartment with a view of the Coliseum in Rome, Italy. This penthouse has 2 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2 levels, with a year-round terrace on the upper level. It'll run you 180 Euros per night ($228 US).

    View from Rome Penthouse

    View from Rome Penthouse

  • A villa in Tramonte in the Lucca area of Tuscany, Italy. How about a 1600s antique villa with 4 floors, 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, a private pool, and an onsite caretaker? The property features an antique olive oil mill, fruit trees, olives, vines, forests, and horses. The rates start at 2380 Euros per week and go to 4760 Euros per week, depending on the season (about $3013 US to $6025 US per week).
    Tuscan Villa

    Tuscan Villa

    I'm ready to pack a suitcase, how about you? Once you get your rental reservations made, don't forget to check out the airfare deals available now! You can even use this private jet charter cost estimator if you want a bit of luxury!


Posted under Travel

This post was written by BigSis on March 8, 2009


Derailed by the Nasty Virus: Part 3

It's been a month now since the Nasty Virus hopped on me, and 3 weeks since I got out of the hospital.  You'd think I'd be back to my usual workout schedule, but it hasn't happened that way.

  • I was shocked to realize that after about 11 days with no physical activity whatsoever, I had not only lost weight – which I expected – but I had lost a lot of muscle.  I don't understand how it can take months of regular focused exercise to build muscle and muscle tone, but only 11 days to lose a huge percentage of it!?  Somebody needs to splain that to me!
  • It was really jarring to me to realize how weak and puny I had become, when I had gone into this illness as a very strong and healthy person.  To walk up the stairs to my condo almost winded me, and to stand up after kneeling was a huge challenge for my quadriceps.
  • And stamina?  Forget about it!  After sleeping 10 to 11 hours a night, I still woke up exhausted and struggled to work even half a day.

Those are the facts of the situation.  So what to do about that situation?  I NEEDED to get back to working out; both physically and mentally.  But how well should you feel before resuming exercise?  Should you start when you still feel crummy and build up super-gradually, or do you wait until you feel better to begin at all?  Meanwhile, how much more fitness would be lost?  I haven't really known the right thing to do, but I do know that my body is saying “I NEED EXERCISE!”

So off I went to the internet to do a little research about resuming exercise after an illness. Melanie at Healthy Eating Coach talks about the struggle of getting started again, and she reinforced my thoughts to walk first and then gradually add back in weights with more strenuous workouts much later.

There is a great article on which addresses the importance of listening to your body, resting without necessarily sleeping, getting back to your work routine before adding exercise back in, and eating well even if you don't feel like it.  Excellent advice!

The Denver Post also provides some excellent guidelines to follow when you're getting back to an exercise regimen.  I thought it was a great tip to work out at the gym during less crowded times, since your resistance to germs could still be diminished.

And lastly, I found that according to the National Institute of Health, exercise boosts the immune system. They say that:

  • exercise flushes bacteria from the lungs
  • exercise may flush out carcinogens (cancer-causing cells) by increasing output of waste
  • exercise sends antibodies and white blood cells through the body at a faster rate
  • bacterial growth may be reduced by the rise in body temperature when you exercise
  • stress-related hormones that increase the risk of illness are reduced with exercise

I didn't know all of these things, did you?  These are all great reasons to get back on track!

After reading all this information and thinking it through, I decided that moderation and patience were the keys, as well as common sense.  This past weekend was gorgeous weather, and I couldn't stay indoors resting on the sofa one more day.  So my modified workout plan resumed.  Here's what I did:

  • One hour walks outdoors last Saturday and Sunday at a slow pace
  • Three trips to the gym during the week for walks on the treadmill at a medium pace
  • One hour walks outdoors this Saturday and Sunday at a medium pace
  • Plans for this week include stepping up the treadmill pace a bit and adding a few minutes to the workout, and adding a couple of light weight workouts.
  • I also want to add back in my yoga and pilates workouts, but I'm trying not to overdo it so that may be placed on the agenda for next week if I'm up to it.  I feel like the first order of business should be to do the light cardio and build from there.

So far, it's feeling fantastic to be active again, even at a reduced level.  I can feel my muscles beginning to wake up a little, and they're very happy about it!  Hopefully this process will continue to go smoothly.  It's been an exercise in patience, if nothing else!  How about you?  Have you had this experience, and how did you handle it?


Posted under Health

This post was written by BigSis on November 3, 2008

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Read “The Shack”


I'm so glad that LilSis mentioned that she was reading “The Shack” in her last “What the L”.  Where have I been?  I hadn't heard one peep about this book, but now I know that everybody is reading it.  Some churches are reading it as a congregation and are doing studies along with it, much like they did when “The Purpose Driven Life” came out.

Back to “The Shack” though.  After LilSis mentioned it, I saw it at Sam's Club that night and read the comments on the back cover.  They sold me on the book:

  • Wynnona Judd said “Reading The Shack during a very difficult transition in my life, this story has blown the door wide open to my soul.”
  • Michael W. Smith said “The Shack is the most absorbing work of fiction I've read in many years.  My wife and I laughed, cried, and repented of our own lack of faith along the way.  The Shack will leave you craving for the presence of God.”
  • Mike Morrell said “This story reads like a prayer – like the best kind of prayer, filled with sweat and wonder and transparency and surprise. If you read one work of fiction this year, let this be it.”

There isn't much else I can add to that; those endorsements are not overstatements.  The comments got the book into my hands, but from then on the book worked its way into my head and my heart.

I won't give away one smidgen of this story.  I was fortunate to know nothing about this book when I read it, and I want you to have that same advantage.  If you know what to expect or what's coming next, your experience will be lessened, and this is truly a glorious experience that you should have without expectation.

All I want to say is READ THIS BOOK.  Read it slowly, read it thoughtfully, and then read it again.  What's it about?  It's about rage and unforgiveness and grief, and getting unstuck from those dark places that consume your life.  It's about forgiveness and love.  It's about joy, and food, and special fondness.  Just read it.  If you don't feel forever changed, let me know.  I'll eat a bug.  A big juicy crunchy bug.

Oh, and one note in case you wondered.  LilSis and I are NOT being paid to review this book – or any other item on this blog for that matter – but I want to make it absolutely clear because this book is so important.  Please read it.


Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on May 31, 2009


Raw Vegan Lunch Adventure

Occasionally, all of us girls at the office sneak out for a lunch together, and last Friday, we decided it was time to shake it up a little bit.  Sometimes we go for a posh girlie lunch at a fancy place, like Stephan Pyles or Fearing's at the Ritz Carlton, and other times it's a cheap delicious lunch at Cafe Brazil.  This week, we went raw vegan!  The “we” is me; a 15-year vegetarian/3-week vegan, and 3 open-minded carnivores!

I don't want to say where we went since the restaurant was having a bad day: their chef quit, they were short-handed, and they were having a sewage issue.  Probably not the day to give them a fair review!

All 4 of us got something different so we could share.  Some dishes were more successful than others.  Our favorite was the Coconut Kale Enchiladas.  I never thought I'd say those words!  Marinated kale was wrapped in coconut tortillas with nacho cheeze, pico de gallo, salsa verde, and cashew sour creme.  It was spicy and really tasty, but not sweet at all as you might think it would be from the coconut.  I usually find raw kale to be too tough and chewy, but this was perfect.  I would order this again.

Coconut Kale Enchiladas

Our second choice was the Greek Pizza. Creamy tahini hummus was topped with a Greek salad of cucumbers, avocado, red onion, capers, fresh tomatoes, Greek olives, chopped parsley, and romaine.  The dressing on the salad had a great flavor, and the hummus base was delicious.  You had to dig a bit to get to the “pizza” part, but it was delicious digging!

Greek Pizza

In third place was Raw Tacos. Crisp corn tortillas are topped with chipotle flavored beans, guacamole, nacho cheeze, pico de gallo, and salsa verde.  This is a pretty dish as the previous two are, and had fresh ingredients on top, but we found the “tortilla” and bean topping to have a slightly bitter flavor.

Raw Tacos

And our least favorite by a mile was the Raw Pad Thai.  Kelp noodles are tossed in almond butter and chili sauce, and
garnished with crispy vegetables.  This dish was practically inedible, sorry to say!  It was bland, watery and had a pretty nasty texture.  The kelp noodles were oddly crunchy, and were mixed with slightly slimy zucchini noodles.  None of us could eat this.

Raw Pad Thai

In spite of the challenges of the day, our waitress did her best to take care of us, and it was a pretty fun eclectic experience.  Maybe we'll go back after they've had time to recover from last week!


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on January 25, 2010

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Tyler Florence’s Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars

Last Friday was our friend and coworker MoJo JoJo's last day with us.  She moved back to her hometown to start her official awesome job as a CPA with a Master's degree.  You rock, MoJo JoJo!  You worked hard for that and you deserve an incredible career!

Tyler Florence's Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars

So, for her last (sad) day with us on the job, I made Tyler Florence's Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars.  I've mentioned before that I need very little excuse to bake…full moon, Tuesday, whatever. When a friend leaves, you can bet I'm going to bake.  I've been wanting to try this recipe ever since I saw Tyler make it on his Tyler's Ultimate show on Food Network a long time ago.  These little dudes looked incredible, and have always stuck in my head.

My expectations were not too high.  These came out fabulous!  I loved them, and they disappeared pretty darn fast from the office.  So fast, in fact, that I didn't get a chance to photograph them and had to make another batch over the weekend.  Oh, darn!

Tyler Florence's Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars

You can go to the Food Network site for Tyler's recipe for these scrumptious Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars, but let me give you my notes.  A few people mentioned in the reviews that they thought the lemon flavor was too tart, or their bars didn't set up well, or that the crust didn't stay together.  After making these twice, I've discovered the solutions to all of these little issues.  These are the changes I recommend:

  • The recipe calls for 9 graham crackers.  I used 1-1/2 cups of crumbs and it was perfect.
  • Use 1/4 tsp of cinnamon instead of 1/8 tsp in the crust.
  • Use an extra 2 Tblsp of butter in the crust (6 Tblsp).
  • Use 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice in the filling.  The recipe calls for the juice of 2 lemons, which we know can vary wildly.  The first time I made these, the juice of 2 small lemons yielded 1/4 cup.  That produced the perfect texture in the filling, and the blueberries didn't bleed into it at all.  The bars also cut beautifully.  The second time, I had medium size lemons so I used the juice of 3 halves, measuring about 1/3 cup.  Although I really liked the bit of extra lemon tang, the bars were a bit less firm, and the berries did bleed into the cheesecake somewhat.  The bars also cut a little less pretty.  All of the photos here are from the second batch, so you can see what I'm talking about.  So, 1/4 cup juice is the key!  And do use fresh juice for these!
  • Even if you use less juice, still use the zest of 2 lemons.  It's a real flavor booster and complements the blueberries beautifully.
  • Make sure your berries are completely dry after washing them.
  • I had a hard time telling when the bars were done, so I just stuck to the 35 minute baking time and they were on the money.

Tyler Florence's Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars

This is a SUPER easy recipe and I just adore it!  It's going into my permanent file, and I'll be making it regularly.  It's creamy and rich and luscious, but also fruity and tangy.  It's a winner!  I'm entering it into this week's Tyler Florence Fridays, so check it out.  They post a roundup each Friday of all the Tyler recipes submitted for the week, and one recipe gets to be on Tyler's blog.  Fun, huh?

Next time, I'm going to sprinkle a few raspberries in with the blueberries.  Try this one!  You'll lurve it!  (We miss you, MoJo JoJo!)


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on September 3, 2009


More Sunscreen Favorites

Hey, LilSis, thanks for bringing up the most important subject of sunscreen!  That was great information.  My philosophy concerning the sun is to always use a sunscreen, and wear a hat or visor and sunglasses, but still enjoy the fresh air and get a little Vitamin D from the sun.

I try to use a sunscreen on my face every day under my foundation, even if I don't think I'll get any sun exposure beyond what comes through my car windows.  I rotate between these two, and really like them both.  They aren't sticky or greasy, and don't clog my pores.


I really enjoy walking outdoors – when it isn't 105 degrees – and occasionally sitting by the pool for a little while.  When I do, I always use a sunscreen.  I use SPF 15 on my arms and legs, and SPF 55 on my chest and any other delicate areas, reapplying often.  Like LilSis, I LOVE the Hawaiian tropic scent, so that's why I choose this brand.  It's a great bonus that they now have a high SPF in a spray.

Hawaiian Tropic SPF 55 Spray

Hawaiian Tropic SPF 55 Spray


  • Hawaiian Tropic 15 SPF Plus All Day Waterproof Sunblock with UVB/UVA Protection (also in 45 SPF for chest)
  • Hawaiian Tropic SPF 55 Ultimate Ozone Sunscreen Spray with UVB/UVA Protection

Whatever your preference, make sure to use a sunscreen – use it often – and choose one with UVA and UVB protection.  UVA rays are the ones that cause aging, and UVB rays cause burning.  You need protection from both!  So cover yourself in sunscreen, and then go out and enjoy your summer!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by BigSis on June 27, 2009


Ten in 10 Challenge – Gearing up for Week 3

I hope everyone had a great week! It just flew by for me.  I feel like I had a healthy, productive week even if I did slip up a couple of times. We went out on Tuesday for a friend's birthday and enjoyed a few cocktails, then on Wednesday we had friends pop over to say a belated Happy Birthday to SirHoney which led to me staying up way too late that night.

On a positive note, I was able to accomplish almost everything that I had on my list.

  • I had great cardio workouts for all but one day. (Which was the morning after I stayed up too late.)
  • I started off the week with a great Yoga class at the Y that focuses more on stretching and I finished off the week with a really hard Power Yoga class at 24 Hr Fitness.
  • I managed to stick to our weekly menu plan and even made a healthy choice the one time I went out to lunch during the week. (Even though I was craving Mexican food.)
  • I was finally able to get HayHay to show me how to operate the new TV and Wii so I took a new Fit Test and set my weight loss goal on the WiiFit to help me monitor my progress. (One nice surprise, the Wii shows my weight 3 pounds lighter than my digital scale.)
  • I haven't had one. single. beer. all. week! (Did I ever mention how much I love beer? This is a tough one for me, but I'm sticking to the “no beer during the week” rule.)
  • I lost two pounds this week. Seven more to go.

I received my fitbook in the mail this week so I was able to start recording all my goals, workouts, and food all in one place. I have never had any desire to follow any kind of diet program where I had to count calories or points. I just know myself well enough to know that I won't stick to it.

But, after these past two weeks of recording what I ate, I've discovered that it has helped me be more accountable to myself and my commitment to cut down on my snacking and mindless eating. Here's my food log from yesterday. I love how you can rate each meal with the happy face or sad face. 🙂

I only did crunches once last week and was sore for DAYS, but this week, they're on the calendar for three days. Here's my workout plan for next week.

My goals for next week are:

  • Go to bed early EVERY night. It's amazing how much better I feel in the morning when I actually get 7 or 8 hours of sleep.
  • Plan meals for the week, do the shopping on Sunday and stick to the plan.
  • Start every morning with a positive attitude and stay away from any negative influences.

This Challenge isn't just about losing weight; it's about feeling healthier and happier with myself, making better choices in all aspects of my life and keeping a positive attitude about 2010 being a great year! Have you ever heard that a home is said to be lucky and will have a prosperous year if a plant blooms on New Years Day? Look what I found on my Jade plant on New Years Day.

When we first moved to our home almost eight years ago, I moved this sad little Jade plant to my front courtyard because I heard that a Jade plant symbolizes prosperity and good luck. I've nursed this Jade ever since and it's grown to be quite large but has never bloomed until now.

If the Chinese superstition proves to be true then we should be looking forward to a prosperous year! (Believe me when I say that we need for that to happen.)

Have a great week everyone!


Posted under Health

This post was written by LilSis on January 16, 2010

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Results from Face Lift WrinkleFree Eyes

Did I notice results from the University Medical Face Lift WrinkleFree Eyes? I can honestly answer yes to that question! And, I gotta tell ya, I am really surprised. I wasn't expecting to see a noticeable difference after just one usage.

I'm more impatient than you, BigSis! I used all three products right away.

  • First, I used the micro-charged eye patches. Instead of 20 minutes, I might have kept them on for an extra five minutes accidentally. I didn't experience any tingling or itching at all. When I took them off, I was pretty impressed with the immediate results.  I don't know if they should go so far as to call it a 20 minute botox because the patches don't make the lines completely disappear as botox does. (And yes, I admit to occasionally getting my pesky little crows feet injected with botox.)

The true test will be to see how long this lasts.  If the results are still noticeable after a week until time to use the patches again, I'd be sold. I wouldn't even mind keeping these on hand to use before a special event.

  • I liked the 24 Hour Face Lift product also. It really did seem to fill in some fine lines. The only thing I noticed is that it left a little bit of a film around my eyes after it dried. I just put some of my normal eye cream on top of it and was able to put concealer on as normal.
  • I only used the nighttime Retinol Cream once and didn't really notice anything different with that. I didn't have any adverse reaction but I'll probably be more careful using this product around my eyes at night. I read one of the reviews about the nighttime cream that stated a few of the women experienced red, blotchy skin. When they reported their results to University Medical, they suggested only using the nighttime Retinol Cream every other night if experiencing any adverse reaction.  But on the flip side, one woman reported the nighttime Retinol totally making her dark circles disappear.

BigSis, even though you are the “older” sister, 🙂 I think I have more problems with crows feet and fine lines than you do because of my skin being dryer.  I guess, in hindsight, maybe it would have been fun for both of us to show “before” and “after” photos.  Ha!

So, I say we continue using the other two products for a full week and then report back with our final review. Now, can we talk about something else? Maybe something a little more fun than puffy eyes and crows feet?

Please tell me that you're not seriously considering showing us photos of your kitties' hairballs.


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on April 25, 2009


How to Make the Best Blueberry Smoothie

The best blueberry smoothie is the perfect way to start my day. My body craves it. Even in the winter, I have to have it. If I include protein powder, a big smoothie will last me for 3 hours until I get hungry for second breakfast.

You do know about second breakfast, right? (Sorry for the dorky “Lord of the Rings” reference. I love those movies.)

Best Blueberry Smoothie Recipe


You can throw whatever you like into the blender, but here's my basic recipe for what I think is the best blueberry smoothie.

Best Blueberry Smoothie

1-1/2 cups frozen organic blueberries
1-1/2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 tsp ground flax seeds
1 heaping scoop unsweetened vanilla brown rice protein powder
1/2 tsp maca powder
1 tblsp coconut oil
Splash of homemade vanilla extract (see note below)
Optional: a tiny bit of chlorella powder

Place everything into a blender and mix until thoroughly blended, adding a little water if the mixture gets too thick. Enjoy!


  • I use blueberries because they're such a nutritional powerhouse, but you can use any fruit. I used to mix in some strawberries, but I've been reading that even organic strawberries are likely to contain pesticide residue. I prefer frozen fruit because then I don't need ice cubes to get a nice freezy texture.
  • My usual liquid is Almond Breeze, but I've added a splash of orange juice for flavor when I had it around. I don't like using much juice though because of the high natural sugar content. If I wanted a sugar buzz, I'd rather have a piece of chocolate.
  • Instead of the flax seeds or in addition to them, I've also used hemp seeds and chia seeds. They're all good in smoothies.
  • Maca is one of my favorite little foods, and I think it's highly underrated. Google it and see. It's a powdered Peruvian root that I first read about it in Brendan Brazier's book Thrive. It helps balance out hormonal issues for menopausal women, and is said to have a variety of other benefits including increasing energy and endurance, and reducing stress and adrenal fatigue. I don't know about all of the claims, but I can tell you that my hormonal issues are lessened when I use it and I just feel better. I like the Royal Maca brand. It is gelatinized, which means it is less starchy, more potent, more concentrated and easier to digest than raw maca.
  • Coconut oil is another little jewel that I love. It's supposed to reduce night sweats and other hot flashy problems, as well as helping to prevent Alzheimer's and provide quick energy since it doesn't have to be metabolized through the liver first like most other fats. I'd really like to get one more tablespoon of it in my diet each day.
  • Homemade vanilla extract is pretty complicated, so pay close attention. Once I finish a bottle of my favorite vanilla extract, Penzey's Mexican Vanilla, I keep the vanilla bean inside the bottle and fill it up with the cheapest vodka I can find. Then I just store it in the back of the pantry for a few weeks. I have 3 bottles in rotation, so while I'm using the oldest bottle, I have 2 others marinating in the pantry. Why do this? Because I'm a vanilla extract snob; I like the good stuff which is pricey. There's no need for it in a smoothie though and this cheap version works perfectly fine.
  • Chlorella is another food I learned about from Thrive. It's a freshwater algae that is a detoxifying super hero! It helps speed up the rate at which toxins are removed from our bodies, and is even used in cases of mercury overload. You have to respect chlorella for the power it possesses, and add it into your smoothie very, very gradually, otherwise you're likely to experience bloating and real discomfort. I don't add in chlorella all of the time, and when I do it's usually 1/4 tsp or less.

I hope you'll give the Best Blueberry Smoothie a try, and start your morning with a team of super nutrients that will go to battle for you throughout the day!


Posted under Food, Health

This post was written by BigSis on February 24, 2013

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A few St. Patty’s Day favorites.

I wish that I could have a St. Patrick's Day party this year, but unfortunately I have to work on Saturday night and I'm not too happy about that. 🙁

St. Patty's Day parties are always fun and very easy to put together; all you really need is green beer and/or a festive green cocktail, corned beef and cabbage, and some potatoes.

Have everyone wear something green. pass out some silly party hats as your guests arrive and you're ready to get the party started!

Here are a couple of our favorites that you might want to try for your St. Patrick's Day celebration.

First, the cocktail.

This Glowing Green Gecko is perfect for St. Patty's Day!

Glowing Gecko

Then, here are some easy and yummy Ham and Potato Pancakes.

Ham and Potato Pancakes

Or, if you're vegetarian, try this awesome Dilled Potato Pie that can be served with pesto or just a dab of butter on top.

Dilled Potato Pie with Pesto

And, this open-faced Reuben Sandwich is delicious and can easily be cut into smaller pieces and served as an appetizer.

Reuben Sandwich

And, a fun green dessert is just icing on the cake.

These St. Patrick's Day Clover Cookies are fun and tasty.

St. Patrick's Day Clover Cookies

Hope everyone has a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!

(And, don't forget an Irish toast. This is a fun one.)

“May your neighbors respect you,

trouble neglect you,

the angels protect you,

and Heaven accept you.”


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on March 15, 2012
