Dresses of Hope for Haitian Girls


Photo from 3seams.com

Happy little faces, aren't they?

These little girls probably have lots to be unhappy about, considering that they live in Haiti where the devastation continues.

True; children have a way of finding joy where there is none.  At least none that our adult eyes can see.

But one of the reasons these little girls are smiling is that they have adorable new dresses.  Dresses that were made by hand for them.  Dresses of cute cheerful fabric that are reversible, with shoulder ties to allow for adjustments as their girls grow taller.  Dresses that can become precious tops to wear with shorts later on.  Dresses that their girls can love and cherish and wear for a long time to come.


Photo from 3seams.com

Is this the cutest dress you ever saw?  Any little girl would love it.  But can you imagine what this gift would mean to a little girl in Haiti with nothing left?

How did this wonderful thing happen?  The answer is the dream and the vision of Inga from 3seams.  Inga is in Haiti at this moment, training 5 seamstresses to make dresses for the Haitian girls who are in such need.  It was only through donations that 3seams was able to make the trip to carry out their mission:

To reach beyond ourselves through children's clothing, promoting global interaction, and putting faith and love into motion!

Beautiful, isn't it?

I'm not sure how long 3seams will be in Haiti or what they have planned afterward, but I'm going to follow their progress. If there's an opportunity for us all to help them with future projects, I'll bring that to you.

Thanks to Angie from Bring the Rain for her charming post on this great work; and for sharing it with folks like me who hadn't heard about it.

Way to set a great example of us, Inga!  We're proud of you!


Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on May 16, 2010


Halloween Cats in Hats!

I don't think we've mentioned lately how much our kitties love wearing hats!  🙂

If you don't believe us, just look at these happy faces from previous Halloweens when all three of them posed in their favorite witch hat!

TomTom looking very sly in his witch hat.

TomTom looking very sly in his witch hat.

Ashy trying to look like he isn't enjoying his witch hat.

Ashy trying to look like he isn't enjoying his witch hat.

Gaby looking very dark and mysterious in his witch hat.

Gaby looking very dark and mysterious in his witch hat.

See. Don't they look like they're having fun?

(We're both animal lovers so we want to assure you that there is never any cruel treatment to our little furkids to get these photos.  Please don't call the authorities on us.)

Since we no longer host costume parties or have little kiddos to dress up, we sisters just get a kick out of showing off our little furkids in their Halloween costumes, their Christmas outfits, and their New Years Eve hats.  We actually don't need much of an occasion in order to torment them with photo shoots.

No, we aren't crazy cat ladies (yet)!  I know we aren't the only ones who like dressing up our pets. I was in Petco today and couldn't believe all the cute outfits for little doggies!

Does your pet have his/her Halloween costume yet? If so, we would LOVE to see them!

Just for the pure fun of it, we thought we would have a little Parade of Pet Costumes here on BigSisLilSis for Halloween. And this parade isn't limited to just kitties; it's open to all pets: dogs, bunnies, guinea pigs, birds, reptiles…you name it.  We want to see it!  Cats in Hats, Masquerading Mutts, Doggies in Dresses, Incognito Iguanas…you get the idea!

If you want to join in on the fun, just snap a photo of your pet in their hat or costume and email it to either BigSis (BigSis at BigSisLilSis dot com) or LilSis (LilSis at BigSisLilSis dot com) by Thursday, October 28th and don't forget to mention your pet's name.

We'll post the parade here on Halloween, Sunday, October 31st!  🙂


Posted under Animals

This post was written by LilSis on October 20, 2010


Another All Natural Insect Repellent

I hadn't planned on discussing this today, but since BigSis mentioned the all natural insect repellent, Buzz Away yesterday, I thought that it would be a good time for me to share with you another all natural product that I just discovered.

We don't have chiggers here in California (thank goodness) and we really don't have much of a mosquito problem, but as you get closer to the water, there are definitely a few annoying mosquitoes. I know some people who rave about scented oils for pest control, which sounds super-interesting so potentially something to try in the future were we to ever move somewhere bugs and pests were a little more common.

Wednesday night we were at the Harbor around dusk and some of us started to notice that we were getting bit. One of our friends who has lived aboard his boat for years, has, according to him, tried almost every single insect repellent on the market. As we were complaining about our bites, he was raving about his favorite, Herbal Armor by All Terrain.

All Terrain Herbal Armor Spray

All Terrain Herbal Armor Spray

I really didn't want to spray anything on me because I didn't want to have to go home and shower it all off before climbing into bed. But, our friend promised us that it wasn't sticky, didn't smell, and said that you could definitely go to bed with it still on.

I gave in and tried it and I really like this product. You spray it on but then spread it around and it becomes almost like a thin lotion. It wasn't sticky at all and at first, it did have a pretty strong citronella scent, but that went away in just a few minutes just as our friend has told us.

I'm sold on this spray and went out yesterday and bought us a couple of bottles. This spray is also all natural and 100% Deet free! All Terrain states this about their product:

Clinically proven to be 100% effective for over two hours, 95.8% effective for three hours and 77.1% effective for four hours. Unique formula w/five natural essential oils.

If you want to give it a try, you can either call your local drug store to see if they carry All Terrain or you can order the All Terrain products on Amazon.

When doing a little research, I found that All Terrain also makes a Herbal Armor Spray for Kids.

Herbal Armor for Kids

Herbal Armor Spray for Kids

And, they even make a Pet Herbal Armor for your furry little kids.

Pet Herbal Armor

Pet Herbal Armor

Most of the time, I would rather take my chances on getting bit versus putting stinky bug spray all over me, but now I've come to realize that insect repellent doesn't have to be stinky and loaded with chemicals. If you have an all natural insect repellent that you love, we'd love to hear from you.


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on July 10, 2009


Healthy Breakfast Choices

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, all the kiddos are back in school and moms across the country are breathing a big sigh of relief. Am I right? 🙂

Our son started back on August 27th, so he's been back for a couple of weeks now but we're still trying to get used to the morning routine again. It's not like we ever got to sleep in much during the Summer because he always wanted to be at the beach surfing before 7:00. He's definitely not as excited about getting up for school as he was when he was waking up to go surfing, so our mornings are a little challenging right now.

I'm a HUGE breakfast person and have pretty much drilled into my kids' heads that it IS the most important meal of the day and NO MATTER WHAT, they don't leave the house without eating breakfast. (I've been known to go running out the door after them with a banana in hand if they ever manage to escape without eating breakfast.)

During the week, I keep our breakfasts pretty fast and easy. I'll make either a fruit salad, a wheat English muffin with peanut butter and banana, a egg bagel sandwich, a bowl of oatmeal, yogurt and fruit, or maybe a bowl of cheerios.

We're so lucky to live within walking distance to the high school so during the week, we always have breakfast at home. But, sometimes on the weekend, we drive through somewhere quick and easy for breakfast, while out and about. It's definitely hard to make good choices at most fast food places, but I've been on the lookout for some better choices and have found a couple that I really like.

My favorite so far is the Starbucks Egg White, Spinach, and Feta Wrap. It was full of flavor, thanks to the spinach, the feta, and the tomatoes and was actually so filling that I didn't finish the other half. It's a little high in sodium for me to treat myself to one very often, but in a pinch, this is a great choice.

Starbucks egg white wrap

PER SERVING (1 wrap): 280 calories, 9g fat, 1,140mg sodium, 35g carbs, 8g fiber, 4g sugars, 19g protein

And another great option from Starbucks is their Perfect Oatmeal. You have a choice of three add-ins: a package of brown sugar for 50 calories, mixed nuts for 100 calories, or dried fruit for 100 calories. I choose the mixed nuts but just used half the package. This was really good and very easy if you're in a hurry.

Perfect Oatmeal

PER SERVING (1 container, nothing added): 140 calories, 2.5g fat, 105mg sodium, 25g carbs, 4g fiber, 0g sugars, 5g protein

Dunkin Donuts is supposed to have a good Egg White Veggie Flatbread, but since we don't have Dunkin Donuts around here, I won't be trying one of these until we go back to Chicago. (They love their Dunkin Donuts in Chicago!)

Dunkin Donuts Egg White Veggie Flatbread

Dunkin Donuts Egg White Veggie Flatbread

PER SERVING (1 sandwich): 290 calories, 9g fat, 680mg sodium, 39g carbs, 3g fiber, 4g sugars, 11g protein

This might not be quick and easy to grab before school or work, but I just heard about the IHOP Spinach, Mushroom, and Tomato Omelette from the IHOP For Me Menu. HayHay is always wanting me to take him to IHOP for the Grand Slam, so I'm happy to hear that they have a healthy choice for me.

This is made with a fat-free egg substitute and is stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, onions, and swiss cheese. I'd have to take the onions off but this sounds really good! We'll try this some weekend when we have a little more time.

IHOP Spinach, Mushroom, and Tomato Omelette

IHOP Spinach, Mushroom, and Tomato Omelette

PER SERVING (1 order): 330 calories, 7g fat, 660mg sodium, 37g carbs, fiber n.a., sugars n.a., 30g protein

I hope you can make time to start your day off right and have a healthy breakfast; whether at home or on the go! At least now, if you're in a hurry, it's easier than it used to be to find something that's at least halfway healthy.


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on September 10, 2009


Review: Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters

Thanks for all the great healthy snack ideas yesterday, LilSis.  You know I love snacks as much as you do…salty and savory ones rather than sweet ones usually.  I also agree with eating small meals during the day.  For my second breakfast or my after-workout snack, I sometimes have a granola or protein bar.  Not a big meal replacement bar, but a nice tasty snack-size one that doesn't have too many calories, fat grams or sugar grams.  I was excited to try these new Granola Nut Clusters from Nature Valley that MyBlogSpark sent us to investigate.

We got four flavors: Nut Lovers, Honey Roasted Peanut, Roasted Cashew and Roasted Almond.  I tried some on my own and took some to work for an informal taste test. LilSis tried them, and also got the expert opinion from my favorite surfer dude and her 15-year-old eating machine, HayHay.

Nut Lovers

(7 clusters: 160 cal, 10 g fat, 14g carbs, 7 g sugar, 4 g protein)

Please note there has been a limited recall of this variety.  Check the Nature Valley web site for the impacted “use by dates”.

  • BigSis: Tastes stale! I expected this to be delicious with all the nuts, but you didn't get much granola, and the nuts were just blah and soggy-ish.  Not worth the calories and fat for sure!
  • BigSis' Co-workers: Texture is a little soft, tastes of honey, needs more almonds, nothing stood out, no one liked it.
  • LilSis: I thought these would be my favorite of the bunch but they were a strange texture. They seemed almost stale. Too soft. I didn't like the cashews in the combo.
  • HayHay: They're alright. They almost all taste the same to me.

Honey Roasted Peanut

(7 clusters: 140 cal, 7 g fat, 15 g carbs, 8 g sugar, 5 g protein)

  • BigSis: You can see lots of peanuts and there's a big peanut flavor, but I'm not a real fan of peanuts. So.
  • BigSis' Co-workers: Very peanutty, flavor better and not as sticky as the Nut Lovers, favorite of two people.
  • LilSis: These were good and more crunchy than the Nut Lovers. I could definitely eat a big bag of honey roasted peanuts back in the day, but I don't care that much for peanuts these days.
  • HayHay: They're alright. They almost all taste the same to me.
  • SirHoney: These are my favorite!! (You knew he'd have to get in on this taste test!)

Roasted Cashew

(7 clusters: 150 cal, 7 g fat, 18g carbs, 8 g sugar, 4 g protein)

  • BigSis: These seem a bit more salty than other flavors with big pieces of cashew, flavor is fine but not great.
  • BigSis' Co-workers: Extremely crispy, big bite of crunch for the size, not as much nut flavor as peanut, eeewww don't like it.
  • LilSis: I don't care for the texture of the cashew combined with the granola.
  • HayHay: Don't like them at all.

Roasted Almond

(7 clusters: 140 cal. 7 g fat, 15 g carbs, 7 g sugar, 4 g protein)

  • BigSis: My favorite of all 4 varieties, big pieces of almond and great almond flavor mixing well with granola.
  • BigSis' Co-workers: Very crispy and crunchy, lots of granola and nuts, so crunchy I almost want to make it into cereal and put milk on it, favorite of one person.
  • LilSis: These are my favorite. They have a very similar texture as the honey roasted peanut, but I just like almonds more than peanuts. (As the taste testing progressed, these did prove to be quite addicting!)
  • HayHay: Not a fan of almonds.

Overall, I think the clusters have way too many calories, fat and sugar for me to snack on them.  I do think the Roasted Almond flavor is delicious, and I wouldn't mind keeping a bag of it around to ease a sweet tooth urge at night.  One or two of these is a nice little sweet bite without any caffeine, so they would be perfect as an occasional evening treat…not as a daily snack for a forty-something woman!  None of my co-workers would buy them, as they are all chewy granola fans rather than crunchy fans, and these are uber-crunchy!


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on July 15, 2009

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Texas Rangers: It’s Time!

Texas RangersWe don't talk much about sports here on BigSisLilSis, but there is no way that I can let this historic moment pass without mentioning it.

LilSis and I moved to Arlington in the late 60s with the whole fam damily, so we grew up there.  Texas and Arlington are home base to us, even though I'm in Big D and LilSis is in California now.

Now, after 39 years, our Texas Rangers have won their first playoff series, AND their first playoff game at home!  It's finally happened!  Yes yes yes!  And this week, we're competing in the 2010 ALCS playoffs against the New York Yankees.

We know that the Rangers have had some tough years and haven't always had a superior team, but this year they do and we're thrilled and proud about that.  They play as a team without a bunch of diva drama, and it has taken them far…this far!

Not everyone is so happy about the Rangers' visit to Playoff Land though.  Filip Bondy of the New York Daily News is a little less than joyous about it.  Check out this gem from Mr. Bondy:

All they've ever had was Nolan Ryan, and they've ridden him like an urban cowboy on a mechanical bull.

Ryan's no-hitters aside, this ALCS represents one of sports' great historical mismatches, 40 pennants versus zero. The Yanks should win this series just by throwing their pinstriped uniforms onto the field and reading from a few pages of The Baseball Encyclopedia.

Oh, ouch, Filip!  That's a touch harsh and – I'm not gonna lie – it stings a bit!  You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and there is no disputing the Yankees' record.  There is also no question that the Rangers are the underdogs in this scenario.

After two games though, each team has won one game each.  Each side has made some errors, and each has had some incredible moments.  It doesn't seem like such an unbalanced match-up to me at this point.  The Yankees took the first game 6-5 and the Rangers won the second 7-2.  I'm not a sportswriter though, so what do I know.  🙂

Even if our Rangers don't win another game in this series – which would be a real bummer – we're absolutely proud of what they've accomplished.  We're proud of how they're playing the game, and we're proud of how they're conducting themselves as men.  What more can you ask?

Ok, well, to be completely honest, it would be nice to beat the Yankees and go to the World Series!  But let's not get ahead of ourselves here.  Let's just enjoy the moment we have.

Excellent job, Rangers!  You've made these old Arlington girls proud!  Now, play ball!  It's time!!


Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on October 16, 2010


Hippo Birdies to Us!

Hippo birdies art by monettenriquez on Flickr

Hippo birdies art by monettenriquez on Flickr

Hippo birdies to us, hippo birdies to us, hippo birdies BigSisLilSis, hippo birdies to us!  Today is BigSisLilSis' first birthday!  Woo hoo!!  We're so excited that we made it our first blogiversary!  Plus, a big bonus is that we're still speaking to each other.  It's been a crazy, hectic, fun, challenging and sometimes stressful year of learning new technology, working together on design and ideas, and making compromises since both of us are stubborn independent control freaks!  😀

After all that, and with 394 posts published, we're still totally committed to the mission we started with, which is to:

  • Write for women like us.
  • Strive to be encouraging, and as positive as we can be (with the inevitable occasional Sis rant!)
  • Pass along info that we hope will be helpful.
  • Share our humor, however odd and twisted it might be!

When we look back over the last year, it has literally flown by on wings, but we're really happy about some of the enhancements we've added to BigSisLilSis:

  • We're finally twittering!  Yes!  Finally!
  • To show our appreciation, we added Comment Luv to provide a link to our commenters' last post.
  • Every 2 or 3 weeks, we feature one of our favorite bloggers in our “We're Crazy About” feature to let everyone else know how awesome they are!
  • We're sharing links to the books (and cookbooks) that we're reading at the moment.
  • You can see our most popular posts in our sidebar, based on the number of comments received.
  • Related posts also show up for each post, so if you liked a particular post, you can see more like it.

So that's where we've been.  Where the heck are we going?  We have a few ideas!  First, we're going to Vegas, baby, for BlogWorld!  But once we get back and recuperate, we have a bunch of things that we're noodling around:

  • The BigSisLilSis Facebook page is in the works; yep, another belated overdue foray into current technology for us!
  • Our “Shop” page will be a comprehensive list of our favorite things, all gathered in one place.
  • We're both working on ideas for some fun individual blogs.
  • And, we're super-duper excited about starting a new joint blog exclusively devoted to food!

The most important thing we can say about the last year is that we're abundantly grateful for the support our readers have shown us!  There would be no point in us writing if you weren't reading! So THANK YOU all so very much!  We appreciate you, and hope that you'll stick around for another year!  God willing, we definitely will!


Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on September 30, 2009


Living Proof’s No Frizz

I have the curliest hair in my family.  My 3 sibs all have some wave or curl to their hair, but I got the most by far from our dad, and let me tell you that my school photos revealed what a challenge that was for me! It was brutal!  It literally makes me cringe to remember how I struggled with my hair.  I could show you photos that would scare the daylights out of you, but I'm too vain to do that.  It's bad enough that my family has seen them.  😀

FrizzyHair by Joseph Robertson

FrizzyHair by Joseph Robertson on Flickr

When the Chi flat iron came out several years ago, it literally changed my life.  I am SO not exaggerating!  Before that, blow drying my curly thick hair could take close to an hour, and then it was still too poofy!  The Chi gave me smooth, shiny, soft hair, and I've never gone back to the curly look.  Curls look good if you have pretty spirally curls without my frizz-o-rama.  My coworker SA has that kind of pretty curl.  Me?  Not so much.

Now I've found another product that makes dealing with curly hair a little bit easier.  It's called No Frizz and comes from a company called Living Proof.  I first saw it on a TV shopping channel…I know, random.  I don't watch those but landed on this demo while channel-surfing one time, and had to watch the whole thing to see how it came out.  They had a woman with curly hair, and applied No Frizz to half her head, and blow dried each side smooth.  Then, here's where it gets interesting.  They took a clothes steamer and held it close to her head for several minutes!  The side without product, of course, got frizzy and big and fuzzy.  The side with the No Frizz stayed smooth!  Really?  I had to see for myself.

I ordered the No Frizz from their web site since I wouldn't have saved any money going through the shopping channel and I got free shipping at the time (shipping is free now on orders of $48 or more).  You towel dry your hair a little, apply a quarter-size dollop and work it through well.  Then style as usual.  I follow the No Frizz with a tiny bit of the Biosilk Smoothing Balm that I usually use before drying.

Living Proof's No Frizz

Living Proof's No Frizz

I found that my hair seemed to resist frizzing even on a really humid day, but the big test was our recent trip to California for LilSis' birthday.  We went out on the boat, and drove around in the damp wind.  Guess what?  No frizz!  After close to an hour, I got a tiny bit of poof at my front hairline, but it was very minimal.  Ordinarily, in windy sea air, I'd have a giant puffball on top of my head.  If you have curly hair, you know what I mean!

No Frizz is also available at Sephora, I've since discovered, which would save the shipping costs but you'd have to pay tax.  There are several different formulas, but the Living Proof web site's diagnostic tool will help you choose the one that is right for you.  I will tell you that this product is fairly pricey; at least to me.  The 4 ounce bottle I bought was $24, but it has lasted me about 3 months already and I still have some product left.  I shampoo at least every other day.

I would definitely recommend that you curly or frizzy haired girls give this a try!  I use it every shampoo and will repurchase it for sure!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by BigSis on June 25, 2009

Tags: , ,

Sally Hansen Creme Hair Removal Kit

Those were great reviews on the eye products, BigSis!  I'm going to have to try that anti-aging Olay eye roller. I'm sure lots of other women will want to try it too since you gave it such a rave review. 🙂

And, it just so happens that I've got another great new product to tell you about, so listen up ladies!

Sally Hansen Cream Hair Remover

Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover

Guys, please don't get offended that I'm leaving you out on this one. I'm specifically speaking to the ladies about this because men have it easy when it comes to facial hair; you just shave your face every day. Easy, breezy, 1, 2, 3, and you're done.

For some reason, it's okay for us women to shave body parts all the way from our toes to our neck, but it's not so cool for us to shave our faces. (I do have a friend that admits to shaving her face every day, but I'm not goin' there.)

That being said, I guess I just admitted that I have unwanted facial hair. Yep. I said it. I hope you appreciate the fact that we're pretty honest here. We like to tell it like it is. Not only do I have the unwanted lip and chin hair, but I also happen to have some facial hair down my jawline and onto my neck. Sounds attractive, doesn't it? Luckily, mine is blonde and fuzzy, but it's still unwanted.

It's not something we love to discuss, but most of us women will admit to having our lips waxed and to plucking unwanted chin hairs, which by the way, multiply like “breeding rabbits” once you enter the “menopausal” stage of life! If you're not there yet, aren't you glad that you have something to look forward to? 🙂

So, why am I talking about this “taboo” subject?  The last time I had my face waxed was over six months ago and I broke out so bad afterward that I decided I wasn't ever going to do it again.

Since that was so long ago, it was time for me to check out my options so I spent some time at CVS one day looking over all the different hair removal products. I ended up deciding on this Sally Hansen Creme Hair Removal Kit. I don't know what persuaded me to buy this particular product, but I'd tried Nair products before and they never work very well for me so I wanted to try a different brand.

I did a test patch, as suggested, and waited 24 hours to assure that I didn't have a reaction to the product before using it on a larger area. Once I knew that I was “good to go”, I put it on my “problem areas” and waited for it to work its magic. With Nair, I usually had to repeat the process two or three times to get results but not with this Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover!

Presto! After only eight minutes, I wiped off the creme and the hair was gone! All of it! I think I even did a little happy dance right there in my bathroom! This was really easy, not stinky, and I had great results, so I'm hair free and happy! 🙂

I know it's not a fun subject to discuss, but if you have a similar problem, you might want to try this product. How often does a product really work as well as it claims?


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on April 10, 2010


Top 10 Vegan School Lunches

Yesterday, LilSis talked about healthy breakfast choices.  I think we all agree that breakfast is SO important!   The next most important meal of the day in my opinion is lunch, since it sets the tone and gives us energy (or not) for the second half of our day.

What would you pack into your briefcase or your child's lunch box if you wanted a meat-free, dairy-free (vegan) lunch that was healthful and tasty, but you didn't have access to a microwave?  Here are some great easy ideas that fit the bill and don't taste like cardboard or styrofoam!  They also have a good amount of fiber and should keep you full and energy-filled til dinnertime.

  • Almond Butter and Banana Sandwich with a sprinkle of Cinnamon
  • Almond Butter and Jelly Sandwich
  • Apple slices with Almond Butter
  • Chickpea Salad (with lemon, olive oil, and herbs)
  • Hummus with Veggies (asparagus and grape tomatoes are especially good)
  • Pasta Salad (any leftover variety you have)
  • Refried Beans (lard-free) in a Whole Grain Tortilla with Salsa
  • Tofu Pup Hot Dogs on a Wheat Bun with Mustard
  • Tomato, Avocado and Lettuce Sandwich on Wheat Bread
  • Veggie Wraps (whole-grain tortilla with your favorite veggies; add your dressing at the last minute)

Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on September 11, 2009
